wordpress hosting review at Inmotion
  • Julian Assange has won the right to further challenge extradition to the US. On 20 May, the High Court ruled that Assange may appeal against the US government’s requests to

  • FRFI sends unconditional solidarity to Charlotte Kates, international coordinator for the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, a network of principled anti-imperialists who work to build solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in

  • Revolutionary activist and journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal will turn 70 on 24 April 2024. This will be his 42nd birthday behind bars. Mumia was framed for a crime he did not


From the archives

Lenin on imperialism and the split in socialism

Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! no 140, December 1997/January 1998

'Lenin's ideas are vital to our situation today. In Britain we have a bourgeois Labour Party, recently elected to government, and a trade union movement led by opportunists representing the privileged layers of the working class.'


RCG Statement

FRFI supporter arrested under Terrorism Act

London Palestine protest 'On 31 January a supporter of Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! (FRFI) was arrested for allegedly ‘expressing support for a proscribed organisation’ under Section 12 of the Terrorism Act 2000. The arrest is politically motivated, and its purpose is to intimidate supporters of Palestinian liberation.'

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