West Papua: Indonesian terror attacks force 1,000 people to flee

Protest in solidarity with West Papua, Jakarta (photo: Green Left)

More than 1,000 West Papuan civilian refugees have fled from the Intan Jaya region to the forest since 15 February 2021, escaping from the Indonesian military and terrorist police brutality. The Indonesian state has stepped up its terror campaign against West Papuans in Intan Jaya as it seeks to hand over control of the resource rich territory to mining multinationals. West Papua, on the island of New Guinea, has resisted incorporation into Indonesia since the signing of the New York Agreement between the Netherlands and Indonesia in 1962. The resistance has grown to become a popular anti-colonial movement, combining mass mobilisations with guerrilla struggle for independence and liberation.


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Condemn the Racist and Anti-Workers Regime in West Papua!

On International Workers Day, May 1, 2020,  we republish below a statement on the 57th Anniversary of Indonesia’s Occupation of West Papua from the  Indigenous People's Movement for Self-Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL) and Merdeka Network.

On May 1st 1963, occupation of West New Guinea of the former Dutch New Guinea territory was undertaken by the Indonesian military under the barrel of the gun, with blessings from the United Nations (UN) and the Netherlands. Since then, a conservative estimate of 500,000 Indigenous Papuans have been wiped out in what has been referred to as slow-motion genocide.


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The struggle for West Papua’s independence

The RCG supported a demonstration opposite the Indonesian embassy in London in solidarity with West Papua on 7 September 2019

west papuaReaders of FRFI will be familiar with the image of the West Papua ‘Morning Star’ flag – which Serogo Tabuni has carried throughout this summer on progressive demonstrations, gatherings and meetings in London and elsewhere. Serogo represents the most radical elements of the struggle in West Papua and speaks for the political prisoners who are fighting against the Indonesian military and their British, US and Australian allies. Successive brutal and racist Indonesian regimes have attempted to repress the West Papuan struggle against occupation, environmental degradation and domination by multinationals for the past 60 years but it continues (see www.freewestpapua.org). At the end of September, hundreds of people again took to the streets to protest against allegations of racism, the latest manifestation of a rage that has been simmering over the last few months; buildings were burned and there are reports of more than 30 deaths in clashes between police and demonstrators.


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West Papua demands independence

West Papua min

FRFI 216 August/September 2010

On 22 June 2010 the government of Vanuatu announced that it will officially sponsor West Papua’s case against its 1969 annexation by Indonesia at the International Court of Justice. It will also seek an investigation into the legality of the mining contract awarded by General Suharto to the US company Freeport McMoran in 1967, and request that West Papua be relisted with the UN Decolonisation Committee.

This could be the start of a nightmare for the Indonesian government in Jakarta and the multinational companies it protects. For 48 years they have collaborated to pillage Papuan land and eliminate Papuan identity. The Papuan dream is a referendum on independence.


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