Display # 
FRFI! 300 Jun/Jul 2024 - General Election - Don’t vote organise
FRFI! 299 April/May 2024 - Palestine: A crisis for the ruling class
FRFI! 298 February/March 2024 - Stop Israeli Genocide - Sanctions Now!
FRFI 297 December 2023/January 2024 - Isolate The Zionist State: Sanctions Now!
FRFI 296 October/November 2023 - No to Britain’s racist laws
FRFI 295 August/September 2023 - Fight back or starve
FRFI 294 June/July 2023 - Ukraine: imperialist stalemate
FRFI! 293 Apr / May 2023 - British police: rotten to the core
FRFI 292 February/March 2023 - Bonanza for the rich misery for the poor
FRFI 291 December 2022/January 2023 - British state, racist state!
FRFI 290 October/November 2022 - Ukraine: the long war
FRFI 289 Aug/Sep 2022 - Ruling class in crisis
FRFI 288, June/July 2022 - Ukraine: US proxy war
FRFI 287 April/May 2022 - War in Ukraine: No to NATO! No imperialist war!
FRFI 286, Feb/Mar 20 - Fight poverty: 'worst it's ever been'
FRFI 285 Dec 2021/Jan 2022 - Energy crisis: poor left to freeze
FRFI 284, October/November 2021 - Climate change: a fight against imperialism
FRFI 283, August/September 2021 - Coronavirus: a class question
FRFI 282, June/July 2021 - Solidarity with Palestine means fighting on all fronts
FRFI 281 April/May 2021 - Defend the right to protest
FRFI! 280 February/March 2021 - Coronavirus in capitalist Britain
FRFI! 279 Dec 2020/Jan 2021 - Coronavirus crisis: who will pay?
FRFI! 278 Oct/Nov 2020 - British economy: Covid, Brexit, crisis
FRFI! 277 Aug/Sep 2020 - Racist Britain: the people fight back
FRFI! 276 June/July 2020 - State mobilises to save capitalism
FRFI 275 April/May 2020 - Coronavirus: capitalism fails the test
FRFI 274 February/March 2020 - Capitalism: exploitative, reckless and unsustainable
FRFI 273 December 2019/January 2020 - Food bank Britain
FRFI 272 October/November 2019 - Brexit: ruling class lays down the law
FRFI 271 August/September 2019 - Brexit crisis: battle lines drawn as parties fracture
FRFI 270 June/July 2019 - Imperialism relentlessly driving climate change
FRFI 269 Apr/May 2019 - Brexit: Tory government in meltdown
FRFI 268 February/March 2019 - BREXIT: ruling class deadlock
FRFI 267 Dec 2018/Jan 2019 - BREXIT CHAOS: No end in sight
FRFI 266 Oct/Nov 2018 - Zionism is racism
FRFI 265 August/September 2018 - Palestine: resistance to imperialist plans
FRFI 264 June/July 2018 - Windrush: Britain's racist hostile state
FRFI 263 April/May 2018 - Health Crisis: Patients’ lives at risk
FRFI 262 Feb/Mar 2018 - Carillion: What is hidden in the ruins
FRFI 261 Dec 2017/Jan 2018 - Grenfell Fire - Getting away with murder
FRFI 260 Oct/Nov 2017 - No more Grenfells - Fight for social housing
FRFI 259 Aug/Sep 2017 - Grenfell fire: social murder
FRFI 258 Jun/Jul 2017 - Ruling class divided
FRFI 257 May/Jun 2017 - Election Special - Don’t vote - Fight for socialism
FRFI 256 Apr/May 2017 - British state racism ‘the hostile environment’
FRFI 255 Feb/Mar 2017 - Brexit, Trump and the populist right
FRFI 254 Dec 2016/Jan 2017 - Fight to save free health and social care
FRFI 253 Oct/Nov 2016 - Who will build homes for the working class?
FRFI 252 Aug/Sep 2016 - Brexit intensifies Britain’s crisis
FRFI 251 Jun/Jul 2016 - Housing Crisis - time for a real fightback
FRFI 250 April/May 2016 - The austerity lie
FRFI 249 Feb/Mar 2016 - We demand housing for all
FRFI 248 Dec 2015/Jan 2016 - Fight for decent housing for all
FRFI 247 Oct/Nov 2015 - Cracks open up in Fortress Europe
FRFI 246 Aug/Sept 2015 - A naked act of class war
FRFI 245 June/July 2015 - Queen's speech: Trouble ahead - Fight austerity
FRFI 244 Apr/May 2015 - General Election General Fraud
FRFI 243 Feb/Mar 2015 - Greece: Syriza victory sparks hope
FRFI 242 Dec 2014/Jan 2015 - No vote for racists
FRFI 241 Oct/Nov 2014 - War on ‘IS’ targets Syria
FRFI 240 Aug/Sep 2014 - Cuts bite deep in poverty Britain
FRFI 239 Jun/Jul 2014 - Fight all benefit cuts
FRFI 238 Apr/May 2014 - Housing Crisis - Social housing not social cleansing
FRFI 237 Feb/Mar 2014 - New Poor Laws - Poverty Insecurity Hunger
FRFI 236 Dec 2013/Jan 2014 -No option but resistance
FRFI 235 Oct/Nov 2013 - War in Syria
FRFI 234 Aug/Sep 2013 - Tories dismantle welfare benefits - Labour promises the same
FRFI 233 Jun/Jul 2013 - Build resistance - Fight the cuts
FRFI 232 Apr/May 2013 - Smash the Bedroom Tax - Cut the Bloated Bankers
FRFI 231 Feb/Mar 2013 - Housing crisis deepens
FRFI 230 Dec 2012/Jan 2013 -Class War On All Fronts
FRFI 229 Oct/Nov 2012 - War on the working class
FRFI 228 Aug / Sep 2012 - Something rotten in the heart of the City
FRFI 227 Jun/Jul 2012 - Greek resistance stalls European imperialist agenda
FRFI 226 Apr/May 2012 - Public sector unions buckle as attacks on working class intensify
FRFI 225 Feb/Mar 2012 - Fight the Cuts
FRFI 224 Dec 2011/Jan 2012 - European imperialism tightens its grip
FRFI 223 Oct / Nov 2011 - Capitalism Fractures - No End to Global Economic Crisis
FRFI 222 Aug / Sep 2011- Euro Crisis - imperialists in conflict
FRFI 221 Jun / Jul 2011 - Fight the cuts - save the NHS
FRFI 220 April / May 2011 - Imperialist Hands off Libya
FRFI 219 Feb / Mar 2011- Bankers get bonuses: poor have to pay
FRFI 218 Dec 2010 / Jan 2011 - Class against class - Fight the cuts
FRFI 217 Oct / Nov 2010 - Paying for the crisis
FRFI 216 Aug / Sep 2010 - Coalition declares class war
FRFI 215 June / July 2010 - The first cuts will not be the deepest
FRFI 214 Apr / May 2010 - Deepest cuts for decades
FRFI 213 Feb / Mar 2010 - Haiti recolonised
FRFI 212 Dec 2009 / Jan 2010 - Afghanistan war unwinnable
FRFI 211 Oct / Nov 2009 - Britain’s crisis: Public services under attack
FRFI 210 Aug / Sept 2009 - War in Afghanistan - Deeper into the mire
FRFI 209 Jun / Jul 2009 - British democracy the stench of corruption
FRFI 208 April / May 2009 - Capitalist crisis no way out
FRFI 207 Feb / Mar 2009 - Barbarity: Assault on Gaza
FRFI 206 Dec 2008 / Jan 2009 - Desperate times Desperate measures
FRFI 205 Oct / Nov 2008 - Capitalism in crisis
FRFI 204 Aug / Sep 2008 - On the road to recession
FRFI 203 Jun / Jul 2008 - Hungry for change
FRFI 202 Apr / May 2008 - Global economic crisis back from the abyss
FRFI 201 Feb / Mar 2008 - Trouble ahead for British capitalism