Ukrainian and Russian communists against the imperialist war

During a summer camp organised by the Germany-based Communist Organisation in August, FRFI had the opportunity to interview Ukrainian and Russian communists from three separate organisations: the Union of Communists of Ukraine (SKU), the Workers Front of Ukraine (RFU) and the Revolutionary Communist Youth League (Bolshevik) from Russia (RKSMb). These organisations are at the centre of ‘Down with the war!’ (Nieder mit dem Krieg!), a solidarity campaign with communists in Ukraine and Russia who are fighting against both imperialist sides and defending the interests of the working class. In this interview with ALEXANDER TROME, they present their theoretical and practical views on the current war.


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Russia – an imperialist state

Debate among socialists over what stance to take in relation to the war in Ukraine hinges in part on whether Russia is considered to be an imperialist state or not. For some, it is not, and they conclude that in invading Ukraine, Russia is acting in legitimate self-defence against the imperialist powers which are using Ukraine as a proxy for their aggressive interests. In evidence, they will point to the very limited extent of Russian capital exports and overseas financial interests compared to those of US imperialism or the major European imperialist powers; to the size of the Russian economy in comparison to the major European powers, and to its dependence on raw material exports, in particular oil and gas. This, such socialists say, does not fit with Lenin’s classic definition of an imperialist power as set out in Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism.


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Navalny and the NATO soap opera

Navalny's election headquarters

The alleged poisoning of Russian social media star and investigative journalist Alexei Navalny in August last year was the latest episode of the long-running anti-Russia soap opera broadcast by Western media on behalf of US imperialism. NATO member states are all too happy to overlook extrajudicial murders by the governments of important political allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia. But when it comes to Russia, a feigned moral concern for free speech is the excuse for escalating a long-running rivalry. ADAM GREY reports.


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A poisonous affair: Russia accused

The British government’s response to the alleged poisoning with a nerve agent of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury on 4 March 2018 has been one of calculated aggression, with no room for doubt that the trail ‘leads inexorably to the Kremlin’ (Boris Johnson, Foreign Secretary). The Labour Party’s response has been to round on its leader, Jeremy Corbyn, for having asked for the evidence before condemning Russia. Corbyn called on the government to pursue established international legal and diplomatic procedures, but this has been turned into a test of the Labour Party’s fitness to serve British imperialism in government. The Labour Party does not intend to be found wanting. Trevor Rayne reports.


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Ukraine’s descent into ruin and fascism

Ukraine’s descent into economic chaos is accompanied by organised fascist repression of opponents to the government. The government was selected by US and European capitalism and Ukraine’s army is being trained by US and British soldiers. In late May 2015 Ukrainian state forces were shelling towns in the Donbass (Donetsk and Luhansk) in defiance of the Minsk 2 agreement signed by Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France in February 2015.


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