Interview: revolutionary forces in Nicaragua

Members of the 2021 Friends of the ATC Agri-Cultural Brigade

US imperialism has a long and bloody history of military intervention, occupation, coups and aggression in Nicaragua. Throughout the 20th century it imposed dictators to facilitate its looting and plunder. In the 1980s the US armed and funded violent far-right groups to destroy the revolutionary Sandinista forces and since the Sandinista Front returned to Presidency in 2007, the US has spent millions of dollars trying to overthrow the Nicaraguan government, including a campaign of terror in 2018 and attempts to derail subsequent elections. Since 2019 Nicaragua is under sanction by the US, Canada and the EU. Social organisations and revolutionaries in Nicaragua continue to organise against imperialism, in defence of their sovereignty and for socialism.  FRFI met with Marlen Sanchez, Faustino Torrez and Erika Takeo, representing the international department of the Association of Rural Workers (ATC) Nicaragua, to learn more about this process.


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A breath of fresh air on Nicaragua

Nicaragua: a history of US intervention and resistance, Daniel Kovalik

Nicaragua: a history of US intervention and resistance, Daniel Kovalik, Clarity Press 2022, £21.99 hbk

One of the joys of reviewing books for a communist newspaper is that from time to time, a veritable breath of fresh air falls into your lap. Such is the case with Nicaragua: a history of US intervention and resistance by Daniel Kovalik. This is quite clearly a labour of love, the fruit of numerous visits to Nicaragua and over three decades of work in solidarity with it, starting at the height of the US-backed Contra war in 1987.


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Nicaragua Sandinista victory in open elections

On Sunday 7 November, in a six-party general election battle, President Ortega and Vice-President Rosario Murillo of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) were re-elected to office until 2027. With a 65.23% turnout Ortega received 75.92% of the votes. Ample opportunity was given to electors to vote for five other contenders, or indeed to spoil their ballots. Members of the National Assembly and members of the Central American Parliament were also elected. The campaign and poll were observed by hundreds of international election observers from dozens of nations, with no complaints. The election represents a serious defeat for US and EU intervention in Nicaragua.


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Nicaragua: US interference intensifies

Sandinista supporters in Managua Plaza

Having failed with the campaign of violence of April 2018, US imperialism’s tactics against Nicaragua’s Sandinista government shifted to manufacturing an opposition to win the forthcoming 7 November presidential elections. It funded ambitious and reactionary individuals and groups to organise demonstrations, riots, disturbances and violence of all kinds. The intention was to either discredit the elections, so blocking international legal recognition of the government, or force into power a pro-US clique, as was temporarily achieved in Bolivia in 2019.  This conspiracy has been choked off for now by the detention at home or in prison of 32 individuals for treasonable activities and money laundering. Alvaro Michaels reports.


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US aims to derail Nicaragua's November elections

2018 'Tranque' protesters were supported by USAID

On 7 November, presidential elections will be held in Nicaragua and independent polls predict a fourth consecutive victory for Daniel Ortega’s Sandinistas. He and his FSLN party are forecast to win with over 60% support against 20% for the country’s right-wing opposition. US imperialism, the former colonial power, has struggled to destroy Ortega’s socialist party since the Sandinistas overthrew the Somoza dictatorship in 1979. Another flood of anti-Ortega lies now fill the western press following the arrests, on criminal charges, of government opponents, steps which have frustrated current US scheming to create an electoral boycott movement, expel Ortega and put US proxies in his place.


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