• Venezuela sanctions relief: temporary, coercive and conditional

    Following the ‘Barbados agreement’ struck between Venezuela’s Socialist Party (PSUV) government and the US-backed opposition, Unitary Platform, the US has temporarily eased sanctions. The deal is conditional on Venezuela meeting ever-changing US goal-posts for

  • Venezuela: reform strengthens popular power

    El Panel Commune

    On 22 June Venezuela's National Assembly approved a major reform to the 'Organic Law of Communal Councils'. Celebrated by communal activists and deputies in parliament, this is a victory for socialist forces, placing popular power back on the agenda. Communal

  • Goodbye, Guaido: Venezuela remains defiant

    RCG protest for Venezuela at the Bank of England (photo: FRFI)

    For once we can wholeheartedly agree with the capitalist press – the farcical ‘interim presidency’ of Juan Guaido in Venezuela has been, in the words of the Los Angeles Times, a ‘spectacular failure’. Rocketing from obscurity in January 2019 by swearing

  • Venezuela: resurgent economy defies imperialist sanctions

    RCG protest at the Bank of England to demand the return of Venezuela's gold

    Despite the brutal impact of US sanctions, the pandemic and the global food and fuel crisis, Venezuela’s Bolivarian revolution has emerged defiant. After withstanding the ravages of hyperinflation and GDP contraction of 74% between 2012 and 2020, Venezuela has

  • Venezuela: US offers sanctions relief as economy strengthens

    ANSWER coalition demands no sanctions against Venezuela

    The imperialist sanctions imposed on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine have had a sharp impact on global oil supplies, leaving major states casting around for new sources of the precious commodity. It is this desperation that drove US officials to travel

  • US eyes Venezuelan oil as tensions escalate

    Nicolas Maduro

    On 5 March, US envoys travelled to Caracas for the first time in 20 years, desperate to secure energy imports amidst the deepening crisis over Ukraine. They met with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. Since 2018, the US has refused to recognise the United

  • Venezuela: CITGO carve up behind extension of sham 'interim presidency'

    Juan Guiado in the Oval Office with former US President Donald Trump(Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

    On 3 January, Juan Guaido's sham 'interim presidency' and its expired National Assembly voted to extend its own term for another year. Behind this puppet show lies a sinister plot to carve up Venezuela's lucrative foreign assets. US interests are pulling the

  • Return the gold to Venezuela!

  • Venezuela: mega-elections see gains for socialist forces

    Popular rally calling for participation in the 6 December elecitons (photo: Orinoco Tribune)

    On 21 November, Venezuela headed to the polls. Over 70,000 candidates from 111 political parties competed for 3,082 posts, encompassing governors, mayors, state legislators and councillors. The process underwent 16 different audits and took place under the watchful

  • Bolivia says no to green imperialism

    Bolivian president Luis Arce speaks at COP26

    COP26 was an inevitable failure. Prior to the conference, in his address to the UN Assembly in New York on 22 September 2021, Boris Johnson stated that we could rely on ‘breakthroughs and investment that are made possible by capitalism and by the free market’ to

  • British Supreme Court upholds theft of Venezuela's gold

    RCG demonstration outside the Bank of Enlgand, 2020 (photo: FRFI)

    In a criminal ruling on 20 December, Britain's Supreme Court recognised as the owner of $1.8bn of gold held in the Bank of England's vaults, not the legitimate socialist government of Venezuela, but rather the discredited opposition ‘interim president’, Juan Guaido

  • US rides roughshod over Venezuelan sovereignty

    Street art of Alex Saab

    On 16 October 2021, Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab was extradited to the US from the west African archipelago state of Cape Verde on bogus charges of 'money laundering'. In June 2020, Saab was en route to Iran on a humanitarian mission to secure shipments of food,

  • Venezuela: imperialism forced to the negotiating table

    Venezuelan negotiators in Mexico City

    Renewed negotiations between the United Socialist Party (PSUV) government of Nicolas Maduro and the right-wing ‘Unitary Platform of Venezuela’ began in August in Mexico. Despite Covid-19 and the impact of crushing sanctions on the economy, the PSUV sits at the

  • Going for gold: imperialist hypocrisy on Venezuela exposed

    RCG protest demanding the Bank of England return Venezuela's gold (photo: FRFI)

    With breath-taking arrogance, the British government has set itself up as the arbiter of who is the rightful head of a sovereign state. In papers submitted to the Supreme Court in London, as a new case began on 19 July over

  • Venezuela: popular participation is key

    Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution is at a crucial juncture. A US-led blockade has devastated the economy. GDP has contracted 70% since 2013. Oil exports are severely restricted. International reserves have plummeted from $20bn in 2013 to $6bn. Secondary sanctions

  • Scathing UN report on deadly Venezuelan sanctions

    Protest rally in support of Venezuela

    On 12 February 2021, UN rapporteur Alena Douhan released a report from her 12-day visit to Venezuela to investigate the effect of the comprehensive US and EU sanctions placed on the anti-imperialist state. In the report she condemns the sanctions and urges countries

  • Britain’s covert war on Venezuela

    Demonstration in Brazil thanking Venezuela for medical aid supplies

    The investigative journalism website Declassified UK has uncovered new evidence of Britain’s ongoing attempts to undermine Venezuela’s socialist government. In 2020, the British government initiated a project designed to promote Venezuelan

  • Venezuela: Sanctions bite as nation heads to the polls

    Solidarity protest in New York, US

    Update: Venezuela's Socialist Party wins super-majority.

    In the 6 December 2020 National Assembly elections, the PSUV and the Great Patriotic Pole (GPP) won 69% of the vote, gaining control of 253 out

  • International anti-imperialist unity on display at launch of Venezuelan solidarity institute

    ISB logo

    On the date of Venezuelan national hero Simon Bolivar’s 1815 letter from Jamaica, outlining his vision of anti-imperialist and revolutionary solidarity across the Americas, Venezuela launched their institute for international solidarity. On 6 September 2020 the

  • Britain’s scandalous withdrawal of recognition of President Maduro’s government

    Thousands of Venezuelans rally in support of the Maduro government, 2019

    The British government’s withdrawal of recognition from President Maduro’s government in Venezuela is intended to remove any legal obstacle to foreign intervention in that country. The attempts to use force against Maduro, directed by US imperialism, can now be
