• Ukraine NATO provocation risks deadlier conflict

    The NATO proxy war with Russia in Ukraine has entered its third year. The Ukrainian counter-offensive, which began in June 2023, has ended in failure. Despite the enormous financial and military support provided by Ukraine’s Western imperialist backers, acute

  • Ukraine: military stalemate, political divisions

    The ongoing war between western and Russian imperialism has been bogged down in military stalemate since the start of Ukraine’s summer offensive in June 2023. There are massive numbers of casualties on both sides, and Ukraine is now running short of essential

  • Ukraine Counteroffensive Fails

    The war in Ukraine remains at a stalemate. Hopes for a Ukrainian breakthrough of the Russian defensive fortifications have now completely disappeared. Casualties on both sides are in the tens of thousands, and replacing them is requiring more extensive conscription.

  • Ukrainian and Russian communists against the imperialist war

    During a summer camp organised by the Germany-based Communist Organisation in August, FRFI had the opportunity to interview Ukrainian and Russian communists from three separate organisations: the Union of Communists of Ukraine (SKU), the Workers Front of Ukraine

  • BRICS: global alliances shift as crisis deepens

    The world is facing a debt crisis. Global debt to GDP ratio has risen to 336%. In 2022, 25 nations had to pay out one-fifth of their total income to debt servicing. 39 countries, a quarter of the world’s population, live under crushing US sanctions. Food and fuel

  • Ukrainian and Russian communists against the imperialist war

    Protest organised by the Kommunistische Organisation in Germany against the Ukraine war (photo: KO)

    In the context of the summer camp organised by the Germany-based Communist Organisation FRFI was able to interview Ukrainian and Russian communists from three distinct organisations: the Union of Communists of Ukraine (SKU), the Workers Front of Ukraine

  • Russia – an imperialist state

    Debate among socialists over what stance to take in relation to the war in Ukraine hinges in part on whether Russia is considered to be an imperialist state or not. For some, it is not, and they conclude that in invading Ukraine, Russia is acting in legitimate

  • Russia – an imperialist state

    Debate among socialists over what stance to take in relation to the war in Ukraine hinges in part on whether Russia is considered to be an imperialist state or not. For some, it is not, and they conclude that in invading Ukraine, Russia is acting in legitimate

  • Moscow to London: QUIET FLOWS THE DOSH

    In March this year, as Russian troops prepared to enter Mariupol and talk began of chemical warfare, Boris Johnson thought this the final act of ‘a cynical and barbaric government’. He’d already promised to ‘tighten the noose around Putin’s regime’. That now meant

  • Russia, China and Latin America

    The contemporary stagnation in both US and EU capital accumulation, further hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, has accelerated the aggressive and militaristic nature of state monopoly capitalism. Today it paints lurid pictures of Russian and Chinese ‘aggressions’ and

  • Navalny and the NATO soap opera

    Navalny's election headquarters

    The alleged poisoning of Russian social media star and investigative journalist Alexei Navalny in August last year was the latest episode of the long-running anti-Russia soap opera broadcast by Western media on behalf of US imperialism. NATO member states are all

  • For Lenin

    Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! no.99

  • Afrin will continue to resist

    YPG forces lead the resistance againt the Turkish invasion of Afrin

    While the world’s media were focused on Eastern Ghouta, near Damascus, 200 miles away Turkey’s armed forces were bombing and shelling the predominantly Kurdish Afrin canton in Syria’s north west. Turkey launched its attack on Afrin on 20 January 2018, using both its

  • A poisonous affair: Russia accused

    The British government’s response to the alleged poisoning with a nerve agent of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury on 4 March 2018 has been one of calculated aggression, with no room for doubt that the trail ‘leads inexorably to the Kremlin’ (Boris

  • Hands off Russia - The Russian Revolution and The British Labour Movement

    russian revolution
    Red Guards defending the Smolny during the Revolution

    In 2017 we celebrated

  • October: Russia 1917 Part 7

    russian revolution october 1917 vladimir ilyich lenin ulyanov 1870 1924 russian revolutionary anonymous

    Counter-revolution defeated: Russia 1917 Part 6

    General Kornilov
    General Lavr Kornilov

    Centenary of the Bolshevik Revolution 1917–2017

  • July Days: The People Reach for Power: Russia 1917 Part 5

    Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! No 70 August 1987
    nevsky prospect 1917

  • Factory, Land, and Nation: Russia 1917 Part 4

    Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!

    Trump, Russia, climate change and resistance

    US anti trump protest

    The spectre of Russia is haunting Donald Trump. Putin and Russia seem to be on a special pedestal – apparently above
