• Monroe Doctrine: 200 years of repression and resistance

    Meeting at Bolivar Hall, London in February 2023

    Below is the edited text of speech given by SAM McGILL at 'End sanctions on Cuba and Venezuela' public meeting at Bolivar Hall in London 17 February 2023

    This year marks 200 years since the inception of the ‘Monroe

  • Class struggle in Latin America

    Ecuador protests in 2011

    This is the edited text of a speech given by SAM McGILL on the eve of Brazil’s crucial run-off presidential election between the left-wing candidate Luis Ignacio da Silva (Lula) and the far-right Jair Bolsonaro.


  • Mexico: Coca Cola kills

    The Mexican national water authority, Conagua, has declared a state of emergency in four states in northern Mexico. The country is currently going through its worst water crisis in 30 years and over half of the country is in drought. Many people are forced to rely

  • Berta Caceres: fighter for environmental justice

    Who killed Berta Caceres?, Nina Lakhani, Verso Books, 2020, 336pp, £19 hardback.

    Berta Caceres was a political activist who was murdered at her home in 2015 by gunmen paid by representatives of the Agua Zarca dam

  • Latin America: the tide turns against imperialism

    Across Latin America, the working class, indigenous peoples and the rural poor are rising up, forcing the pace of political change on the continent. Over the past two years we have seen: sustained mobilisations in Chile for a new constitution; the defeat of the coup

  • Russia, China and Latin America

    The contemporary stagnation in both US and EU capital accumulation, further hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, has accelerated the aggressive and militaristic nature of state monopoly capitalism. Today it paints lurid pictures of Russian and Chinese ‘aggressions’ and

  • Latin America 2021: Resistance and Revolution - Video

    Latin America 2021: Resistance and revolution

    On Wednesday 3 March, the Revolutionary Communist Group hosted an informative online meeting ‘Latin America 2021: Resistance and Revolution’. Over 150 participants from Britain and many countries around the world heard from a brilliant line-up of speakers

  • Guyana: a pawn for US imperialism

    US military training the Guyana Defense Force, 2012

    Guyana is mired in a swirling political crisis. Weeks have passed since the 2 March elections with no winner declared. Amidst accusations of vote rigging, corruption, and the funding of US lobbying firms, US oil giant ExxonMobil has begun producing oil in the

  • Latin America: reaction versus socialism – the struggle intensifies

    Carlos Figueroa / Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0)

    Massive protests across Latin America, in Chile, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia and Haiti and the electoral victory in Argentina are clear working class responses to the continued vindictive assaults on them by imperialism.

    The US

  • RCG confronts Luis Almagro in London – imperialism out of Latin America!

    Protest at Senate House against Luis Almagro, November 2019

    The Revolutionary Communist Group co-ordinated with Latin American activists, socialists and solidarity groups to protest against Luis Almagro, Secretary-General of the Organisation of American States (OAS) on 5 November. Almagro visited London to meet with regime

  • The revolutionary challenge of the Sendero Luminoso

    Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! No. 109, Mid-September/Mid-November 1992

    The Communist Party of Peru (PCP), widely known as the Sendero Luminoso or Shining Path, has been subjected to an international avalanche

  • The Salvadoran Election: backward steps

    Nayib Bukele

    On 3 February 2019 Nayib Bukele, an ex-member of the ruling Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN), was elected president of El Salvador. The 37-year-old opportunist, formerly mayor of the capital San Salvador, stood as leader of the Grand Alliance

  • Repression in Guatemala: eyewitness account

    Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!no. 16, February 1982

    This eyewitness account of repression and revolution in Guatemala was given exclusively to FRFI by a journalist recently in Guatemala.

  • Confront The Guardian's lies over Latin America

    London RCG comrades picket the Guardian, 21 December 2018

    The Revolutionary Communist Group held a midday picket outside the offices of the Guardian and Observer newspapers on 21 December 2018. This was a protest against the blatantly hostile coverage of Venezuela, Nicaragua and, as always, Cuba,

  • The racist attack on migrants

    The migrant caravan is made up of people fleeing violence and poverty created by US imperialism

    US President Trump’s aggressive and racist attacks on the most recent caravan of migrants heading to the United States, shows the utter contempt that US imperialism has for the poor and the oppressed. In this latest case Trump simply concocted a stream of

  • Central America roundup 1981 - struggles against US imperialism

    Government troops in El Salvador

    Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! no. 12, September 1981

    El Salvador

    In its revolutionary war against the

  • ‘TROIKA OF TYRANNY’: War on the struggle for socialism in Latin America

    Venezuelans protest against US interference

    Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! 267 December 2018/January 2019

    On 1 November 2018, US National Security Adviser John Bolton declared that Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba

  • Central America - Oppressed fight back against imperialism

    Central America

    Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! no. 9, March/April 1981

    The wave of revolution engulfing Central America is an uprising

  • Cuba Elections: the revolution prepares for a new chapter

    President Raul Castro (left) and First Vice President Miguel Diaz Canel (right)

    Cuba’s 60-year-old revolutionary democracy is at a historic milestone as it prepares to elect a leader on 19 April who will be part of a new generation taking over from those who originally took part in the 1959 revolution. For the people of socialist Cuba, the

  • Defending Cuban culture, defending Cuban socialism

    (Alfredo Guevara, Director General of the ICAIC with Che)
