• Gang culture vs solidarity

    Prison culture in Britain is increasingly replicating the US prison gang system and destroying the solidarity that existed in long-term prisons, especially during the 1960s-90s, frequently manifesting itself in rebellions and uprisings. The growth of gang culture

  • Bedford prison the truth must come out

    In the last issue of FRFI we reported on the death of remand prisoner Melvin Grant in HMP Bedford. On 12 March a preliminary inquest hearing took place and the full inquest will take place on 29 May. While there has been a significant amount of mainstream press

  • Rwanda or bust

    On 15 January 2024, five people drowned in the icy waters off the coast of northern France, having set sail towards Britain. The following day the government began debating the Safety of Rwanda Bill, a draconian measure aimed at ensuring that anyone who does make it

  • End death by incarceration - Free Mumia now!

    Mumia Abu Jamal, an award-winning author, journalist and political prisoner has been behind bars for 42 years. Known as the voice of the voiceless, he was framed for killing a policeman in 1981 in a trial drenched in racism. His real ‘crime’ is being unwaveringly

  • Migrants not to blame for housing crisis

    With Britain’s capitalist crisis driving increasing numbers of people into destitution and homelessness, the ruling class reaches for one of the oldest pages in its playbook – blaming immigrants for rising rents and shortages of social housing, creating a scapegoat

  • No to Britain’s Racist Laws

    The Conservative government’s draconian, racist plans to prevent so-called ‘illegal migration’ are in disarray. In a bid to secure the votes of reactionary sections of the electorate at the next general election, Labour leader Keir Starmer has weighed in with his

  • No to the Bibby Line prison barge!

    On 5 April 2023, the Tory government announced it would use the shipping barge Bibby Stockholm to accommodate asylum seekers. What would be in effect a floating prison would be leased from the privately-owned Bibby Line Group, which has jumped at the opportunity to

  • The truth about the racist prison system

    As Black History month arrives again and the prison rolls out its annual posters of Bob Marley, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King to show its support for its black population, I feel it is important to explain my reality as a black prisoner at HMP Lindholme – a

  • Rest in Power Comrade Tongogara


    Brother Tongogara (born Danny Morrell) passed away peacefully in Barnet Hospital on Thursday 11 May 2023. Born in Jamaica in 1942 on 6 February (he was proud to share a birthday with Bob Marley), he lived in Tottenham, London, for most of his adult life. A long-time

  • Bolivian masses face down racism and reaction

    Bolivia’s working class and in­dig­enous majority are once again being forced to mobilise in support of the country’s progressive government. Since 20 October, the far-right forces based in the prosperous province of Santa Cruz – the same forces that led the

  • End solitary confinement

    RCG protest against close supervision centres. Placard reads 'close supervision centres = torture'. (photo: FRFI)
    RCG protest against close supervision centres (photo: FRFI)
  • The revolutionary Fred Hampton

    Judas and the Black Messiah, directed by Shaka King, 2021,
    2 hours and 6 minutes

    Fred Hampton was the young, fearless Deputy Chairman of the Black Panther Party (BPP) Chicago branch. As one of the original

  • Victory for asylum-seeker

    Campsfield House Immigration Detention Centre

    Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! No. 75, February/March 2000

    On 15 December the High Court ruled in favour of asylum-seeker John Quaquah, who had sought a judicial review of the decision to deport him. John was one of

  • Labour always a racist imperialist party

    Keir Starmer

    The Labour Party is in a deep crisis – and nowhere is this more evident that in the desperate attempts of its left wing to keep members from leaving in disgust at its complete capitulation to the Zionist lobby and its failure to mount a serious challenge to the

  • Remembering the Imperial Typewriters strike

    On May Day 1974 almost 1,000 workers staged walkout strikes at four factories across Leicester. At Imperial Typewriters, 39 Asian workers walked out and stayed out. 500 more workers followed them a few days later, soon reducing the factory output to 50% of
