The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Extinction Rebellion: report from London RCG

RCG comrades at the Extinction Rebellion event, 17 November 2018

On Saturday 17 November, comrades of the RCG supported the Extinction Rebellion event. This was an event called to indict the British state’s criminal inaction in combating climate change and to demand immediate climate justice.

The action included the occupation of five of London’s key bridges: Blackfriars, Lambeth, Southwark, Waterloo and Westminster. Whilst occupying the bridge an open microphone was operated with which participants and supporting organisations were able to give political input as well as sing, and recite poetry.

A comrade of the RCG spoke on the open platform to make the political point that climate justice is a class issue and of the inevitable ecological devastation and the unrelenting pillaging of the Earth’s resources that are fundamental characteristics of capitalism.

The action started at approximately 10:30am and the Westminster bridge was held until just after 3pm after which the crowd moved to Parliament square for more speakers.

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Despite some of the misplaced faith that some attending the action had in the police – with some saying that the police would be on our side as climate change affects them too – over 80 arrests were made on the day relating to the action. Political solidarity actions were held outside a number of London police stations where those arrested were being held.

Our comrade quoted Fidel Castro’s speech at the Rio Summit (1992) – Famously, he warned: ‘Tomorrow will be too late to do what we should have done a long time ago.’

The World Wide Fund for Nature Living Planet Report 2006 pointed to Cuba as the only nation in the world to have achieved sustainable development. That Cuba is able to achieve sustainable development is because it is socialist.

Socialists and communist must be involved in the movement to end environmental destruction!

Link to video of RCG supporter speaking at the event:

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