The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Oppose censorship on social media!

Facebook logo with 'censored'

Statement from the Revolutionary Communist Group

Left-wing and socialist groups and individuals have recently faced escalating censorship by Facebook. In January, the company took down the main page of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP), associated campaign pages and leading SWP members’ accounts, as well as leading members of the Socialist Equality Party (SEP) in the US. Facebook also removed pages and individual accounts associated with Struggle La Lucha and the Socialist Unity Party in the US.

Following emails and complaints campaigns organised by the affected organisations, the company backed down and restored many of the accounts including their main pages, but some individual members’ accounts remain locked.

The RCG condemns censorship by the social media and technology monopolies. These companies have systematically targeted political groups, movements and nations struggling against capitalism and imperialism, including the social media accounts of Cuban and Venezuelan institutions. Wherever censorship occurs, all socialists, communists and anti-imperialists must be prepared to organise a fightback.

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