The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Iranian solidarity

Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! no. 10 May/June 1981

In the name of God and

In the name of the Heroic people of

Ireland and Iran

Sinn Fein (political wing of the Irish Republican Army) Daring and militant Bobby Sands, member of the IRA and representative of the heroic people of Ireland! Heroic and militant people of Ireland!  

With revolutionary salutations, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran offers its most profound revolutionary congratulations to the heroic people of Ireland and the Irish Republican Army, as well as the heroic Bobby Sands, for the magnificent electoral victory of the captive revolutionary militant Bobby Sands. This deserving election shows the revolutionary growth of people who have risen up under the leadership of their revolutionary vanguards, and are fighting a firm and decisive battle against British Imperialism for their indisputable and ignored rights. This brilliant victory is witness to the rightfulness and the popular base of the IRA and is a punishing blow to the cunning old British Imperialism and dependent reactionaries who have always tried with their raving to misrepresent the heroic struggle of the Irish people and to call IRA terrorists.

The People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran sees this victory as the vanguard of the eventual military and political victory of the Irish people and the complete annihilation of Imperialism throughout the world and wishes a decisive victory for the revolutionary and heroic Irish people.

The People’s Mojahedin of Iran congratulate this revolutionary son of the Irish people for this heroic resistance and his relentless struggle whether outside prison or during captivity and during the present hunger strike. The People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran declares his support for the demands of this captive militant which are the crystallisation of all the demands and hopes of the Irish people and asks all revolutionary and progressive forces throughout the world, especially groups, organisations, personalities, workers’ unions, lawyers and other progressive and militant institutions in Britain to continue in their support, and to take necessary measures until all the demands of the valiant Bobby Sands are met, so that his heroic hunger strike ends fruitfully and victoriously with full safe-keeping of this heroic son of the Irish people.


Peoples’ Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI)

17 April 1981

Translation and Distribution by: Moslem Students Society (UK)

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