The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

International support

Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! no. 10 May/June 1981

In contrast to criminal British middle class socialism, international anti-imperialist and progressive forces responded to the murder of Bobby Sands with massive protest actions, demonstrations and military operations against British institutions.

In France two demonstrations of 3000 and 8000 were organised in Paris, whilst in Toulouse a Dunlop warehouse was bombed. In Italy protests were organised in Rome, and Milan where 5000 youths gathered to denounce the murder of Bobby Sands. In Milan the British Chamber of Commerce was bombed by the Red Brigades. In Portugal a militant demonstration of thousands of people led by placards saying ‘We are all members of the IRA!’ marched on the British Embassy in Lisbon, while in Oporto a British owned club was firebombed. In Greece, the British Embassy was besieged by 1000 demonstrators chanting slogans in support of the hunger strikers. In Spain 300 youths fought the Spanish police in the town of Pamplona during a demonstration against British imperialism. In Switzerland a showroom displaying British cars was bombed in the capital Zurich. In the USA there have been demonstrations of thousands of people in New York, Los Angeles and other cities, while the dockers union boycotted British ships for 24 hours.

Statements and messages of support for Bobby Sands and condemnations of British imperialism flooded in from all corners of the world from the Socialist Countries, from India, from Iran, Mozambique and other countries.

In Mozambique, the semi-official daily Noticias said Bobby Sands died because the British Government refused to accept: ‘The simple and indisputable fact that he was a political fighter. Sands and the IRA were fighting for a united and independent Ireland.’

Radio Moscow broadcast:

‘London would like to drown in blood the movement against repression and discrimination and for human rights and liberty.’ In Iran, a street adjacent to the British Embassy has been renamed Khiyaban-e-Bobby Sands ‘to honour the heroic death of the IRA freedom fighter.’

These demonstrations of international solidarity after the murder of Bobby Sands followed a growing international campaign in support of the hunger strikers battle against British imperialism.

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