The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Victory for the Starmer 2!

Two supporters of Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! known as the Starmer 2 won an important victory at Glasgow Sheriff Court on 10 January 2025. After a two-day trial, in front of a public gallery packed with Palestine solidarity activists, the trial judge concluded that it was the conduct of the police themselves which was unlawful.

The Starmer 2 were violently arrested on a peaceful protest organised by the Gaza Genocide Emergency Committee, outside the Scottish Labour Party’s Winter Gala dinner on 7 December 2023, at which Labour leader Keir Starmer was speaking. Starmer had been verbally confronted on the train from London and pursued by dozens of Palestine supporters upon his arrival at Glasgow Central Station. The two were held overnight and faced seven fabricated charges: three police assaults, two breaches of the peace and two counts of resisting arrest. They were warned by their solicitors of the potential punishments, from a fine or community pay back order to a custodial sentence.

For over a year the Starmer 2 campaign raised awareness and mobilised support on the streets, online and at court. FRFI supporters in Glasgow and Dundee spoke regularly on Palestine protests, highlighting the case and linking it with solidarity for others facing charges and for imprisoned Palestine Action activists. Outside and inside the court dozens of supporters gathered at every court appearance. On the day of the trial up to 40 people were outside the court at 9am despite it being minus 4 degrees, with keffiyeh-wearing supporters filling the public gallery.

The judge noted the ‘evident public interest’ in the trial before ruling that Police Scotland had not met the legal threshold for physically charging at the peaceful protest; the Crown and police had failed to show that there was an imminent threat of a breach of the peace, or a reasonable belief that one was about to occur.

Before the trial began the prosecution attempted to force the defendants to plea bargain. They rejected this and went to trial. Another deal was offered after the prosecution case, by which point the CCTV footage had been scrutinised and police witnesses questioned. One of the Starmer 2 stuck to the not guilty plea on all charges and was acquitted on all counts on 10 January.  The other pled guilty to resisting arrest with all other charges dropped. At a follow-up hearing on 21 January she was given an absolute discharge, meaning no further punishment or criminal record. On this occasion, supporters were refused entry to the public gallery; the judge saying ‘this is a court not a circus’ and that he would not allow a repeat of the ‘disgraceful’ scenes after the close of the trial, when chants of ‘Free Palestine!’ had broken out.

So, what can be learned from the Starmer 2 case?

Plead not guilty and go to trial. If you fight you have a chance of winning, if you don’t you have already lost. The Crown’s evidence and the three police witnesses ended up demonstrating the innocence of the Starmer 2, not their guilt, while revealing the prejudices, ineptitude and illegality of the policing operation to defend Starmer. One officer described Palestine protestors as all ‘anti-police’ as a justification for assaulting them instead of verbally communicating instructions to move. The evidence also suggested Starmer’s shadowy close protection officers had directed the police aggression outside the hotel and the arrests which followed.

Organise to defend yourself and others: Carry the name and number of a good lawyer; film arrests; gather details of police badge numbers; find out the name of the person arrested, if they would like anyone contacted and what police station they are taken to; hand in reading material to the station for the person arrested to break the isolation; protest outside the station, while asking everyone to phone and email the police demanding their release and enquiring about their welfare.

Prepare a legal and political defence as soon as possible: Immediately gather details of and appeal for witnesses; write up your statement of events and collect witness statements and footage; take photos of injuries and visit your GP to have them recorded; find a reliable lawyer and instruct them on your defence; produce leaflets, articles, posters and banners to raise awareness; organise public meetings and fundraisers; mobilise maximum support for court appearances rallying outside and fill the public gallery in order to shift the power dynamic inside the court.

The victory of the Starmer 2 is a victory for the whole movement; let’s organise to make sure there are more!

Defend the right to defend Palestine!

Dominic Mulgrew and Paul Mallon


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