The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Saturday 21 February – Stop deportations to DRC Glasgow

Saturday 21 February – Stop deportations to DRC Glasgow

On Saturday 21 February, RCG/FRFI supporters in Glasgow attended a demonstration outside Brand Street Immigration Reporting Centre in the south side of the city. The action was called by the local Congolese community in opposition to the detention and deportation of a Congolese woman, Aude Okamba-Osako, back to the DRC set for Monday 24 February.

The first public demonstration by asylum seekers in Glasgow for several months saw around forty asylum seekers and refugees gather at short notice outside the IRC, chanting, singing and dancing in protest at the Home Office’s targeting of Congolese asylum seekers and collusion with the Kabila dictatorship in the DRC. Placards and banner denounced Britain’s racist immigration laws and demanded an end to deportations. RCG supporters were the only activists from any organisation to support the demonstration, and copies of Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! were eagerly bought, distributed and translated on the protest.

As the mass deportations of the poorest and most marginalised people in Britain back to war zones, dictatorships and starvation intensifies with the crisis of capitalism, RCG members and supporters will stand by all those organising to resist in Scotland.

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