The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Glasgow stands against racist scapegoating!

On 7 September, FRFI supporters joined over two thousand people rallying in George Square to oppose an ‘Enough is enough’ protest against ‘mass and illegal immigration’. This ‘Pro UK’ rally, which attracted around 300 at its height, was called by an individual (‘Glasgow cabbie’ Stef Shaw) following the racist rioting across England and Belfast in August (read FRFI statement here). While this rioting did not spread to Scotland, this strong anti-racist turnout shows that people remain vigilant. Of the different groups that called counter protests there was Stand Up To Racism / SWP, an autonomous group of anti-fascists and the Gaza Genocide Emergency Committee.

FRFI held a stall speaking out against state racism as the primary enemy of the working class and opposing criminalisation of people protesting for Palestine. As part of this we raised awareness about the jailing of the Thales 5 on 20 August (here) and collected signatures for prisoner solidarity cards.

Hundreds chanted, sang and danced to tunes such as Bella Ciao as they faced down those who had come to echo the lies and racism of the British state and media. Alongside the Butchers Apron/Union Jack, the loyalist Ulster flag and Israeli flag were flown. Police used horses to push back the crowd and kettled a bloc of Green Brigade Celtic supporters who had come to oppose the racists. The crowd responded by surrounding the police demanding they be released, which they eventually were. Scapegoating of immigrants and refugees will only increase as working-class living standards are targeted in a fresh attack. North and south of the border mass cuts to services are to be imposed by Labour and SNP Governments, citing a £22bn debt in the public finances.

Following the deaths of 12 people (including 6 children and one pregnant woman) in the English Channel on 3 August, Starmer has vowed to ‘smash the gangs’ (read ‘Stop the boats’) to ‘retake control of our borders’ and that the same approach taken to the August riots (rapid arrests, charges and sentencing and high-profile policing) will be used towards this end. Starmer dismissed the suggestion of opening more safe routes. We can expect nothing less from the leader of a racist imperialist party. Racism starts at the top and works its way down.

Fight racism to defend living standards! Break from Labour!

FRFI Public Meeting: Oppose racism and criminalisation! Defend the right to defend Palestine!

Wednesday 9th October, 7pm

The Ark, Govanhill
70 Coplaw Street
G42 7JG

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