The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Glasgow, Scotland: Solidarity with the Hares Boys! Free Palestine! (15 March 2015)

‘Say it loud, make some noise – free, free the Hares Boys!’

This was the chant echoing across Glasgow city centre as supporters of the organisation Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! (FRFI) took to the streets to demand the release of the Hares Boys and an end to British complicity with Israeli war crimes. Supporters gathered outside of BDS-target Marks and Spencer to mark the second anniversary of the kidnapping and imprisonment of the boys. With painted placards, leaflets, petitions, a megaphone and Palestine flags we were able to get the attention and support of the public, who stopped to learn about the campaign and express their outrage.

Our ‘G4S – Go 2 Hell’ placard was well placed for a passing G4S van, highlighting the global nature of this repressive British company. G4S provides the guards to staff the Israeli prisons where thousands of Palestinians, including the Hares boys, are jailed and tortured. 17 April marks Palestine prisoner’s day when we will again take to the streets of Glasgow to join world-wide protests for justice.

After our protest we gathered on the Buchanan Street steps to oppose Glasgow Labour council’s decision to demolish them and to introduce Israeli developed CCTV in an effort to prevent and criminalise protests in Glasgow city centre.

Barclays bank – blood bank

The previous day, supporters of FRFI took part in a protest organised by the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign aimed at ending British complicity in Israel’s war machine. Targeting the main branch of Barclays bank – which has millions of pounds of investments in the Israeli drone company Elbit Systems – the activists peacefully occupied the branch and successfully closed it down for the day. There’ll be no business as usual for any companies profiting from the oppression of Palestine!

Defend the right to defend Palestine

Not only is the British state intent on providing political and military support for Zionism, but it is increasingly criminalising those who express support for the Palestinian people. On Wednesday 18 March, members of Glasgow Palestine Action will appear at Glasgow Sheriff Court following their peaceful occupation of Thales UK, another British company supporting Elbit Systems. The same day, another FRFI supporter will appear in court for the ‘crime’ of using a megaphone to protest against cuts to welfare. The struggle in defence of Palestine and our own democratic rights is one and the same!

Free The Hares Boys!

Free Palestine!

Save the steps!

Who are the Hares Boys?

The Hares Boys are five Palestinian children who were abducted by Israeli soldiers, then tortured and framed for an event that never happened. They are now facing 20 years in prison for each stone they are claimed to have thrown at the passing car of an illegal settler. No evidence of stone throwing on the day has been presented never mind evidence that the five youths imprisoned were involved. The case is a reflection of the racist arrogance and inhumanity of Apartheid Israel and the unwillingness of imperialist powers such as Britain and the US to take action against them.

For up to date news and more background to this case facebook ‘Free The Hares Boys’ and see

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