The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Report: Nottingham Youth Strike 4 Climate, 29 November 2019

Nottingham Youth Strike 4 Climate, 29 November 2019

On Friday 29 November, nearly two hundred people took to the streets of Nottingham. We held a rally and marched around the city placing three major British banks on trial for their criminal acts financing environmental destruction. From deforestation for palm oil plantations in Indonesia, to oil pipelines across native American reservations in North America, the march was clear that is is the poor and the oppressed who suffer the consequences of the environmental crisis, while the imperialist countries and the ruling classes profit. That is why the march chanted ‘Climate Change is a War! Of the Rich Against the Poor!’

The march was called by Nottingham Youth Strike 4 Climate – a campaign in which the Revolutionary Communist Group is centrally involved. The march operated a democratic open microphone free for all to use – which was taken up by dozens of people. 

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A speaker from Nottingham RCG used the open microphone to declare that ‘it’s clear that if we want to fight the environmental crisis, it’s clear that we have to change the economic system of capitalism and imperialism’. The alternative, we said, is socialism – a system geared towards meeting people’s needs in a sustainable way. 

If you agree, then join us and fight for an anti-imperialist and socialist solution to the environmental crisis.

You can find Nottingham Youth Strike 4 Climate on facebook, including details of the next meeting, at

To find out more about the global fight against imperialism, come along to our two-day event ‘Rise Up! Anti-Imperialist Struggle Around the World’ – Saturday 7 December 12-4pm & Sunday 8 December 12-3pm at Nottingham Trent University, Boots Library, Room 329, Goldsmith Street, NG1 5LS. More info at:

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