The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Nottingham RCG organises rolling picket against companies wrecking the environment

Nottingham RCG rolling picket of climate wrecking companies, 1 June 2019

On Saturday 1 June, Nottingham RCG organised a rolling picket targeting some of the companies on our high streets which are make vast profits from the destruction of our planet: from the banks with millions invested in fossil fuels, to the supermarkets importing food grown on deforested land and shipped thousands of miles. These companies enjoy the full support of the British state and its domestic and foreign policy. The worst consequences fall on the world’s poor and underdeveloped countries. 

notts rolling picket 1 Junenotts rolling picket 1 June b

The picket highlighted how imperialism is driving the environmental crisis, targeting banks like Barclays and HSBC with billions invested in fossil fuels, electronics companies like Vodafone who profit from the destructive extraction of minerals like coltan and cobalt, and businesses like M&S and McDonalds which profit from a global system of food production which is destroying ecosystems around the globe. The picket highlighted the need to fight capitalism, and the need to look to socialist Cuba, which is the world leader in sustainable development thanks to its democratically planned socialist economy. 


Climate change is a war of the rich against the poor!

Capitalism is extinction. Socialism is survival. 

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