The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Court picket for Sweets Way wins first victory

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On Monday 23 March the Revolutionary Communist Group joined with residents, housing campaigners and activists in a picket of Barnet County Court. An injunction in the name of Annington Homes had been served on a string of organisations who have been occupying Sweets Way housing estate in Totteridge & Whetstone. Annington Homes is wholly owned by the private equity firm Terra Firma Capital Partners which is headed by the financier and speculator Guy Hands.

Barnet Council, in collusion with Annington, evicted 153 households on 13 February and most have been placed in entirely unsuitable, run-down, cramped accommodation out of the borough where their children go to school and nursery. They are leading the fight back to reclaim their homes. Annington Homes issued the injunction against the occupation of the estate last Thursday with a summons to appear in court today, Monday.

The judge today said that it is entirely unjust and unrealistic for a defence to be prepared in three days and adjourned the hearing until Monday.

Join in the fightback against evictions and in support of social housing: Join the picket outside the court next →

Monday 30 March, 10 am.

Barnet Civil and Family Courts Centre
Regents Park Road N3 1BQ
Finchley Central tube

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