The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Shut them Down! National day of action again detention and deportations

National day of action again detention and deportations

On Saturday 7 May London and Birmingham RCG branches travelled to protests at Yarl’s Wood detention centre near Bedford, and Harmondsworth detention centre near Heathrow, London, as part of a national day of action against detention and deportation of asylum seekers.

The day of action saw protests taking place at detention centres across the country, including the Verne detention centre in Dorset, which Bristol RCG comrades attended, and Dungavel in Scotland, supported by Scotland RCG. This follows a large mobilisation on 12 March of 2,000 people at Yarl’s Wood.

About 400 women are held at Yarl’s Wood for the ‘crime’ of seeking asylum here in Britain, an imperialist country which exploits and invades countries around the world all in the name of profits. Britain is the only country in the EU that has no limit on the amount of time asylum seekers can be held in detention prisons.

Mabel Gawanas, an organiser of Movement for Justice and the Yarl’s Wood demonstration and an asylum seeker previously held in detention there, sent this message after the demonstration: ‘I really had fun. Most of the attention was on my girls screaming Free Mable. I feel so strong and confident, although I am really frustrated, I appreciate what you guys do. We know more now that we can stand together as one and fight this struggle together as mother and sisters and daughters. This protest brings us together and gives us the strength of unity. The girls wish me good luck and the screaming of “Free Mabel Gawanas” was a personal great if sad feeling for me.’

Protests at Yarl’s Wood and other detention centres are growing in attendance. Join our contingent on the next one. Contact us today.

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