The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Report: Hands off Syria demonstration, 5 December 2015

On Saturday 5 December, members and supporters of the Revolutionary Communist Group assembled in Trafalgar Square for an open mic protest against British airstrikes on Syria.

As the sound system powered out roots reggae rhythms, comrades gave some excellent speeches, denouncing British imperialism, the destruction of Iraq, Libya and now Syria. All these countries have been attacked on false pretences, with infrastructure as the primary target of bombing and capitalist profits as the motive.

Members of the public were invited to get involved, to take the mic and have their say, to sign our “Hands off Syria” petition and to get a copy of Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!

The banners and music drew crowds as comrades gave out leaflets and chatted with people about what is going on in Syria and what action we can and should be taking and why.

We have to create popular resistanceto the warmongering of Britain’s ruling capitalist class and their representatives in Westminster. The Revolutionary Communist Group will be a part of this. You should join us to take democracy to the streets and demonstrate the political power of the people.

While the action was a great success, this is only the beginning, there is much more work to be done to build an effective anti-imperialist and revolutionary movement in the UK, so the call goes out to all that will hear, to get active and get involved, with organisation, we can win!

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