The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

London march in solidarity with refugees – 12 September 2015

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London RCG branches joined the ‘Solidarity with Refugees’ march in central London on Saturday 12 September. We marched with the Asylum Clinic from West London, and the Focus E15 housing campaign from East London. Assembled behind a banner which read: ‘Fight Britain’s racist immigration laws!’ we made clear that any movement which fights in solidarity with refugees must also fight British imperialism and its racist state. Our militant and lively contingent operated an open mic for all to speak out about the crisis and how we can build a movement in this country against racism and imperialism.

Read more analysis on the refugee/migrant crisis: FRFI 246 Aug/Sept 2015

Join us to discuss these issues at our upcoming film showing and discussion:

Resistance at the Border  – ‘Europe or Die’

Wednesday 7 October, 7pm

The Apple Tree,

45 Mount Pleasant,

Clerkenwell Rd, London. WC1X 0AE

Freedom for migrant! Justice for refugees! Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!

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