The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Focus E15 public meeting: ‘Repopulate the Carpenters Estate!’


On 20 October, Focus E15 campaign held a public meeting in Docklands and Carpenters centre and brought together those who have built the campaign over the last year, those who contributed to the extraordinary success of the recent Open House occupation of boarded up flats on Carpenters Estate, residents of Carpenters Estate and housing activists from around London.

One year to the day since the original eviction date for the mothers and babies of Focus E15 hostel, over 100 people packed into the hall.

The meeting was opened by Jasmin and Sam from the campaign, who set the background of the fight against social cleansing and for social housing.

Subsequent speakers included:

  • Mary and Dolores from Carpenters Estate, residents for over 40 years who continue to fight for their homes, against decanting, demolition and regeneration
  • Kevin who spoke about Newham Labour mayor Robin Wales and the process that has led to the current investigation for potential breach of code of conduct
  • Ben from Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! who crystallised the message about the Labour Party and its abject complicity in the destruction of working class communities.

The meeting also heard from residents and activists from Lewisham and the Our West Hendon campaign.

On the day of the meeting, Jasmin and Emer from the campaign had met someone moving in to a previously boarded up home on Carpenters Estate – a direct result of the Open House occupation which forced an apology from the mayor who will be held to his word of moving people back into homes on the estate.

The overall message was inspiring – we can empower ourselves, we can take action, with consistent work and political direction we can reclaim what is ours, and we can challenge the Labour councils.

As Jasmin and Sam said on the steps of the court when the Open House finished – This is the beginning of the end of the housing crisis.

Join Focus E15 campaign on Saturdays12-2pmThe Broadway, Stratford E15, on the weekly stall and get involved in our activities.

facebook: Focus E15

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