The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Focus E15 mothers: One step forward!


On Saturday 16 November, Focus E15 mothers, their babies together with FRFI and other supporters were out in force on the streets of Stratford.

A significant victory has just been achieved. The mothers have received a letter from East Thames, the housing association that runs Focus E15 hostel, saying that the support that was removed in September has been reinstated. This means that the council has had to backtrack on its decision to remove the £41,000 Supporting People funding stream to the mother and baby unit.

This victory is a result of the campaign led by the Focus E15 mothers and FRFI since mid-September. Nothing is achieved if we do nothing, but if we stand together, we can win.

Focus E15 mothers are determined to continue the campaign and now the battle is on to ensure that the young mothers are housed in social housing in east London where they want to live, close to their family and friends and support networks.

On Saturday, FRFI supporters and other campaigners gathered around the microphone as Jasmin, one of the mothers, led us in the chant: Labour council hear us say! Focus mums are here to stay!

Below is some of the press coverage Focus E15 have achieved so far:


Mothers’ fight for hostel places

Press TV

Young mothers in London face eviction over budget cuts

The Guardian

Young mothers evicted from London hostel may be rehoused 200 miles away

Newham Recorder  

Twenty-nine young mums facing eviction from Stratford hostel 

Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!

Support the Focus E15 Mothers!

First public meeting of the Focus E15 mothers’ campaign


Focus E15 Mothers

Below are those you should contact to keep up the pressure:



Terry Paul, Labour councillor for Stratford and New Town

020 3373 7340  [email protected]

Lyn Brown, Labour MP for Stratford

020 7219 6999   [email protected]

Robin Wales, Newham Mayor

Email via:

Write to him at:
The Mayor of Newham
1000 Dockside Road
E16 2QU

Here to help’ sessions

If you would like to talk to the Mayor individually you can go along to one of his regular ‘Here to help’ sessions. You can register up to 30 minutes before the session starts.

There will be no ‘Here to help’ sessions during December.

First Thursday of the month, 11am Stratford Local Service Centre 112-118 The Grove Stratford E15 1NS

Second Tuesday of the month, 9am The Place 2 Silvertown Way London E16 1EA

Third Tuesday of the month, 5pm Newham Town Hall Barking Road East Ham E6 2RP

Fourth Saturday of the month, 10am
Doors do not open until 9.30am

23 November  The Gate 4-20 Woodgrange Road Forest Gate E7 0QH

This venue will change shortly. Please check here for details.

020 3373 8444 on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month, from 9.30-10.30am and leave your contact details. The Mayor will then phone you back at a later time.

There will be no telephone surgeries during December.


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