The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Rolling picket of Oxford Street, London, to mark Palestine Land Day

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On the 1 April 2017, Victory to the Intifada and the Revolutionary Communist Group organised a rolling protest against businesses that trade with Israel.

The demonstration was held to mark Palestinian Land Day and the goal was to highlight the support of Israel given by British corporations and banks such as Marks & Spencer’s and HSBC. Protesters pushed for a boycott of both these companies and Israeli goods in general, as part of the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign

Despite a fascist march taking place in London on the same day the atmosphere on the picket was very lively with many different people speaking on our open microphone to point out different companies that had collaborated with the Israeli state.

The picket highlighted the importance of taking the fight against Israeli occupation to the streets of Britain as Israel is funded and supported by imperialist nations. To support oppressed people across the world it is important to make a stand against British imperialism.

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