The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Edinburgh RCG supporters stand in solidarity with Kurdistan and Palestine!

On 16 January, Revolutionary Communist Group supporters in Edinburgh demonstrated alongside Scottish Solidarity with Kurdistan protesters, demanding the end to British support for Turkey, the lifting of the ban on the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party which has been proscribed since 1993), and for freedom for Kurdish political prisoners.

An open microphone was held, and we spoke about on the long history of British involvement in the region, beginning with the treaties of Sèvres and Lausanne in 1920 and 1923 and continuing to this day with the war in Syria. Britain is paying Turkey £275 million to prevent the passage of refugees into Europe. Turkey is using this as a bargaining chip to get EU membership. No more blood money to Turkey!

British companies BAE systems and Land Rover sell arms to Turkey whilst it attacks Kurdish villages and executes Kurdish citizens. In 2015 the British government identified Turkey as a ‘priority market’ for arms deals. British government – Blood on your hands!

Protesters were urged to sign cards for Silan Ozcelik, a young Kurdish woman and political prisoner of the British state, who is currently being held in prison for 21 months in London for attempting to travel to Kurdistan to fight with the PKK. Two RCG members were interviewed by NRT, a Kurdish news channel, on why communists in Scotland should support the Kurdish struggle.

RCG supporters also joined a protest called by Friends of Al-Aqsa and the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign outside the Co-operative Bank, in George street, Edinburgh. The Co-operative Bank has joined other British banks in politically targeting supporters of Palestine. In 2008 Lloyds refused to provide clearing services for Interpal, the Palestinian Relief and Development Fund, In 2014 HSBC closed down accounts of the Ummah welfare trust which donates towards aid projects in Palestine. Now the Co-operative bank, which prides itself on being an ‘ethical bank’ has joined this political witch hunt and suspended the accounts of 20 different Palestine solidarity organisations. We stand with the campaign and demand that the accounts are reinstated and encourage people to boycott the Co-operative Bank and all British support for Israel! 

End British support for Turkey and Israel! Freedom for Kurdistan, Freedom for Palestine!

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