The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Long live Palestine! End British collaboration with Zionism – 12 July 2014

VTI Boycott Israel Protest Oxford Street outside Barclays Bank

In response to Israel’s continuing genocidal onslaught on the people of Gaza, supporters of Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! and our campaign Victory to the Intifada staged a militant rolling picket the length of London’s busiest shopping street, highlighting some of the many British and US corporations which provide financial support to the Zionist war machine.

We assembled outside the Marble Arch branch of Marks & Spencer, where we regularly demonstrate against the store’s longstanding financial and political relationship with the state of Israel. After half an hour there, during which time we were joined by many supporters and members of the public, keen to show their horror at the Israeli bombardment, we marched off down Oxford Street, stopping on the way to highlight, among others:

  • HSBC – an underwriter for the Israeli state budget
  • Boots – a leading stockist of Estee Lauder cosmetics, whose chairman Ronald Lauder is also chair of the Jewish National Fund, which is dedicated to legitimising Israeli occupation
  • McDonalds – a major donor to right-wing Zionist organisations, the Jewish United Fund  and Jewish Federation
  • Barclays Bank – which profits from selling arms to Israel

VTI Boycott Israel protester holds sign outside HSBC Bank
At each location we used our mobile sound system to deliver speeches about that particular corporation and its links with Israel, as well as chanting slogans in support of the people of Palestine and their resistance to invasion and occupation.

Our final location was Barclays on Tottenham Court Road, where we held a street rally, with an open mic.  Lots of passers-by stopped to listen and show their solidarity, while the Barclays management ordered the bank’s security staff to shut down for the day and not allow in any customers.

The death toll from Israel’s airstrikes in Gaza continues to rise, with 150 dead and over 1,000 wounded, including 21 children. Over 450 air strikes have occurred.

The Revolutionary Communist Group will continue to organise and support protests against Israel’s barbarity and its backing by the British government and corporations.

For more information on these activities, check this website or go to

VTI Boycott Israel protest outside HSBC Bank 

VTI Boycott Israel protest outside M&S

VTI Boycott Israel protest outside M&S

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