The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

About the delegation

Venezuela 2012: the future at stake
This year, for the first time, the Revolutionary Communist Group and our newspaper Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! will send a delegation to Venezuela to cover the 2012 presidential elections in October
We will be reporting daily from the streets of Caracas, challenging the media lies and slander about the revolutionary process in which millions of Venezuelans have participated, building true independence from US, EU and IMF hegemony in the region and the economic elites who have dominated their future so far.
Reporting from Venezuela in the run-up to and during 7 October presidential elections, we will provide independent news and analysis from Venezuela, without corporate sponsorship or censorship. Our final aim is to release a full documentary about the difficult but inspiring struggle against neo-liberalism in Venezuela, which will contribute to our own debate about what is needed to fight austerity in Britain.
Our work can only be done with help from those around us; pulling together activists, friends and family, we have no single wealthy donors or supporters. We have successfully raised enough funds to send two journalists to report from Venezuela during the election for our blog, but we still need your support to secure the funding for the documentary film we intend to produce.
This is a voluntary project and despite the professional output we plan to produce, the total budget of the documentary is minimal. We will also produce short news clips to go live on our website over the coming period. Our documentary will be released free online and shown around the country. You can help us inform the public in Britain by organising report back meetings and screenings of the documentary across the country, in your community or college.
The BBC is a supposedly ‘impartial’ news channel. In reality it is an armament of the British state and shares the big corporate media’s interest in undermining attempts to build any challenge or alternative to the capitalist system
We want to break the media blockade of Venezuela. The BBC and corporate media in Britain distorts and censors the achievements of the Bolivarian Revolution from public consumption (see article)

In a study of BBC news coverage on Venezuela over the last decade, University of West England researchers found that only 3 out of 304 BBC news stories explained the positive policies introduced by the Chavez administration and happening in Venezuela (see link). The BBC is already jumping on the bandwagon to slander and distort the truth about the upcoming 2012 election process (see link)

Whatever you can donate to this project will make a massive difference in undermining the media war waged against the Latin American people who want to determine their own future. As the capitalist crisis bites, spreading war, poverty and despair worldwide, Chavez himself recognises the moment as decisive:

Venezuela is at the centre of an international battle…..The future of humanity is in play here: between socialism and capitalism…in the next 100 days, the next 100 years in Venezuela are going to be decided
(1 July 2012)
We must do what ever it takes to break the media blockade on Venezuela and the achievements of the Bolivarian Revolution, which show not only that another world is possible but that it is being built today!
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