The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

ALBA Expresses Solidarity with Protesters in Ferguson

Published on 19 August 2014 by Telesur English
ALBA countries stand in solidarity with Ferguson protests
The ALBA countries released a joint statement Tuesday expressing their “profound concern” with the violence sparked by the police killing of an unarmed black teenager, which the bloc said is a reminder of the serious racial discrimination that has yet to be resolved in the United States.

“The countries of ALBA (Bolivarian Alliance of the People of Our Americas, integrated by Venezuela, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Cuba, Bolivia, and various Caribbean nations) express their solidarity with the African descent communities of the United States,” the statement added.

The bloc’s statement calls on the U.S. government to carry out a fair and transparent investigation into the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson and demanded that security forces respect human rights when trying to control protests in the Missouri township, which has been affected by violent clashes of police against demostrators that claim justice.

?”Alba also expresses its solidarity with the familiy of Michael Brown, ase well as with the other victims of the violence that has spread throughout Ferguson,” the statement said.

Michael Brown was shot six times by police officer Darren Wilson, including twice in the head, and according to two witnesses, he had his hands in the air over his head when he was killed. Wilson was suspended with pay, but protesters are demanding the policeman be brought to justice.

The protests in Ferguson have left two people injured and 31 arrested.

The full statement in Spanish from ALBA can be read here

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