The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

RCG Round-up / FRFI 146 Dec 1998 / Jan 1999

FRFI 146 December 1998 / January 1999

RCG Round-up

First, some good news: we managed to raise our target of £5,000 to purchase new computers and other equipment to help our political work. We are very grateful for this magnificent effort, and we extend our thanks to all FRFI readers who contributed to it.

Up and down the country, supporters of Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! have been active on the streets – in support of socialist Cuba and fighting poverty pay. On Friday 20 November supporters of the Reinstate Nigel Cook Campaign staged a protest at the northwest headquarters of the Transport & General Workers Union in Manchester. Protesters armed with banners and a megaphone held a three-hour occupation of regional official Dave McCall’s plush office and forced the regional Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting to be abandoned. The committee had initially supported Nigel’s entitlement to victimisation benefit, but when Bill Morris refused to pay up, it refused to challenge him. The actions of the union have forced Nigel to endure severe hardship. Dave McCall is now parroting the lies told by PolyGram in order to justify his scab position. Throughout the occupation, McCall claimed that there was nothing that they could do. However, the following Monday, Kenny Brindle, a national official of the TGWU, contacted Nigel and told him there was some money available for him in a local account, but to get it, Nigel has to write a letter detailing the causes of his hardship! This is in effect a means-tested bribe to get Nigel to concede his right to victimisation benefit.

Don’t forget to visit our website: After the interruptions of the summer, when our webmaster was moving house and country, new material is now being added on a weekly basis. This includes, most recently, educational material on the Cuban revolution, and The state and the capitalist crisis by David Yaffe, published in the late 1970s. For those comrades who want to read some of John Maclean’s writings, the Workers’ Web section contains a number of his articles and pamphlets.



Preston FRFI Readers and Supporters Group meet in Room 129 in the Harrington Building, University of Central Lancashire. Next meetings: Wednesday 9 December at 7:30pm (discussion on the economic roots of racism), and Wednesday 27 January also at 7:30pm.

Manchester FRFI Readers and Supporters Group meet at the Beer House, Angel Street/

Rochdale Road in the centre of Manchester. Next meetings: Wednesday 16 December (discussion on the economic roots of racism) and Wednesday 27 January, both at 7:30pm

Blackburn: Next meetings of the Reinstate Nigel Cook Campaign are at 7:30pm on Tuesday 15 December and Tuesday 19 January. Venue: Bangor Street Community Centre, Brookhouse, Blackburn.

Preston: Brigadista report back from Cuba 7:30pm Wednesday 3 February, Room 129, Harrington Buildoing, University of Central Lancashire.



Leicester FRFI Readers and Supporters meet on Saturday 5 December, starting at 1:30pm. Venue: St Peter’s Tenants Association,

St Peter’s Shopping Centre, Melbourne Road, Highfield.



Brigadista report back from Cuba. 7.30pm, Wednesday 20 January. Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1N (Holborn tube).

For further details tel: 0171 837 1688

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