The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

FRFI Round-up / FRFI 216 Aug/Sep 2010

FRFI 216 August/September 2010

Fight imperialism! Defend socialism!

Eyewitness reports from Latin America

RCG supporter Sam McGill recently returned from six months living and working in Cuba and Venezuela. Since her return she has been speaking at public meetings about her experiences, from working in a community youth project in Havana to teaching for a government social programme in Venezuela and participating in the World People’s Summit on Climate Change, in Cochabamba, Bolivia, which she visited from Venezuela.

On 10 July Sam spoke at a dayschool entitled ‘Voices of Resistance’ in Glasgow city centre. Over 60 people attended to hear Sam alongside speakers from Ireland and the Basque country. In London on 17 July Sam spoke at ‘Reports from the Frontline’ with two other speakers: Alex Harris from the Gaza Freedom Flotilla and Ghassan Abu-Sitta, a surgeon who has worked in Gaza, who spoke about the crisis of legitimacy in the Middle East leading inevitably to war.

Sam will speak at a meeting in Newcastle on 25 August. See Events section for details.

New documentary film – Cuba: defending socialism, resisting imperialism

Members of RATB’s 2009 brigade to Cuba have finished work on a new documentary film, featuring interviews with Cubans from all walks of life as well as the brigadistas themselves. The premiere screening took place in London at Bolivar Hall on 8 June, attended by over 120 people, and was followed by a lively discussion with the film directors. Representatives from the Venezuelan and Cuban embassies also spoke on the platform. See the events section for details of upcoming screenings in Dundee and Newcastle. The film is out now on DVD. See box for details of how to order.

Defend Palestine!

As the last issue of FRFI went to press reports of Israel’s attack on the Gaza flotilla emerged. FRFI took part in protests across the country condemning the attacks and highlighting the criminal siege of Gaza.

Newcastle FRFI has been active with local campaign, Palestine Action Group: on 3 July there was a successful street theatre action putting Israel on trial for war crimes outside Marks & Spencer, the biggest British corporate sponsor of Israel. Activists set up a court case with witnesses and a judge examining Israeli and British war crimes. Palestine Action Group continues to hold weekly pickets of Marks & Spencer on Thursday evening and needs your support (see events section).

In London the weekly picket of Marks & Spencer’s flagship store on Oxford Street continues every Thursday evening, 6-8pm, as it has done for more than nine years now. London comrades are also active as part of the Gaza Demonstrators Support Campaign and joined the solidarity protest outside the court hearing that reduced sentences for some of those convicted for their part in the 2009 protests for Gaza outside the Israeli embassy (see page 6).

In Manchester on 3 July an FRFI rolling picket targeted shops and banks that support Israel. See our website, for a full report, including details of which businesses we held to account and why.

Fight racism!

In the North East FRFI is part of Tyneside Community Action Against Racism, which has recently changed its name from Tyneside Community Action for Refugees to reflect its development as an organisation. TCAR holds monthly ‘Speak Out Against Racism’ open-microphone platforms for all anti-racists. In the Speak Outs on 12 June and 17 July TCAR campaigned against the enforced homelessness of Claudia, one of its members in Sunderland, and also racism in the judicial system that another member is facing.

In the face of the growth of the English Defence League, TCAR is calling for a Northern March Against Racism 2010 in the autumn, aiming to show there is an anti-racist presence on the streets. We want this to be an open march with an open platform so if you or your organisation are interested in getting involved please contact us at: [email protected]

On 20 July Glasgow comrades joined with over 200 others in a demonstration in the city centre for 10-year-old Precious Mhango and her mother Florence, who are fighting to stay in Glasgow. Chris Mercer, Precious’s godmother, fought back tears as she addressed the crowd. She said: ‘I’m ashamed this is happening in Glasgow, I’m ashamed this is happening in Britain – I thought we lived in a democratic country.’

In Brixton, South London FRFI supported well-attended meetings in June and July organised by the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign, initiated by the George Jackson Socialist League (see article page 13). Mumia’s lawyer, Robert Bryan, spoke about Mumia’s case, and took a legal call from Mumia which the whole meeting could hear. Mumia’s message was simple – now is the time to commit to the struggle against imperialism and for socialism. Mumia faces execution after the latest court appeal failed. His legal case continues. For updates and to sign the online petition launched by his legal team go to:

Defending free speech in Glasgow

On 14 July comrades were reminded of the restrictions on democracy in Britain, when our stall, along with copies of FRFI, were seized by the police in a clear attempt to continue the harassment our comrades face in the Govanhill area of Glasgow. Two Glasgow comrades were cautioned and charged ‘with selling a newspaper which is not a newspaper’. We now have to fight for our right to be active on the streets. The following day over 20 people joined us on another stall, including local residents, supporters of FRFI and Glasgow anarchists. The police were circling in cars but did not approach our comrades. The fight is now on to ensure we can continue to organise. To get involved in the campaign contact Glasgow FRFI tel: 07879 675 864 or email: [email protected]

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