The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

No extradition to Turkey

On 30 January British police arrested 28-year-old Turkish refugee Onder Dolutas at his home in London, following a request from the Turkish authorities for his extradition. The following day Bow Street Magistrates court released him on conditional bail. FRFI has been participating in the campaign against his extradition; at the first hearing of his case on 14 March over 50 people staged a lively demonstration in solidarity with Onder and opposition to British collaboration with Turkish fascism. The case has now been adjourned for a review on 11 April. The main hearing will take place on 8 May.

Onder was arrested on charges unrelated to any activity in this country. His arrest was carried out by British authorities on the request of the Turkish government. From 1995 to 2000 Onder Dolutas was a student of maritime engineering at the University of Istanbul, where he participated in the democratic activities of the students’ union. He arrived in Britain in May 2001 and was granted refugee status in January 2003.

After trying hard to rebuild his life in this country, Onder Dolutas is now under threat of extradition. His arrest in Britain exposes the sheer callous attitude of the British authorities. It exposes the total collaboration of the British government and its legal system with the regime in Turkey.

Turkey’s disregard for human rights is well-known, as is Britain’s selective approach to the human rights’ records of countries it does business with. The attack on Onder Dolutas is an attack on the rights of all migrants and refugees who have sought refuge in Britain for fear of persecution, torture, imprisonment and death in their own countries. An injury to one is an injury to all.

Demonstrate outside Bow Street Magistrates Court, London WC2
Tuesday 11 April and Monday 8 May 2006, 10am onwards
For more information please contact: [email protected]
The Campaign to Stop the Extradition of Onder Dolutas! is supported by the International League of Peoples’ Struggles (ILPS), Confederation Of Workers From Turkey In Europe – England Committee (ATIK), Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!, European Confederation Of Oppressed Immigrants (AvEG-Kom), Anatolian People’s Cultural Centre, ADHK,

Stop the extradition of Onder Dolutas!
Condemn British collaboration with the fascist regime in Turkey!

FRFI 190 April / May 2006

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