The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

While Palestinians die! The BBC Lies!

bbc-protestOn August 22ndhundreds of pro-Palestinian activists gathered outside of BBC centres across England and Ireland in lively protests against the biased reporting in the Panorama programme ‘Death on the Med’ about the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in May 2010.

The demonstration was part of a national day of action against the BBC called by individuals and groups supporting those onboard the Mavi Marmara when it was attacked by Israeli commandos in international waters.

More than a dozen pro-Palestinian activists gathered outside the BBC in Newcastle in a lively protest. It was supported by the Palestine Action Group and other independent activists.

 In a statement on behalf of the protesters Cheryl Abdul said:

“The BBC has once again demonstrated that it does not value true, investigative journalism using credible sources and has clearly shown support for Israeli propaganda initiatives following their targeting of innocent civilians. This grave incident took place in high seas in gross violation of international law and has been condemned by the entire world, yet the BBC played down the illegality of Israel’s actions. We strongly condemn these inhuman acts by Israel and the bias shown by the BBC”.

Since shooting nine peace activists dead on the Freedom Flotilla, the Israeli state has led a concerted attempt to rewrite history – making their commandos the victims of an assault by “terrorists”. BBC news coverage of the attack and Panorama’s recent programme clearly show that the BBC is following suit and aligning itself with the Zionist state of Israel.

We protest in the strongest terms at the bias always shown toward Israel by the BBC, enough is enough; we all know the truth of the terrorist attacks committed by Israel on unarmed peace activists!

Excessive force was used against the civilians from many countries who wanted to transport humanitarian aid to the people in Gaza, and among whom there were women and children. Panorama didn’t mention the 5 shots fired into Fulkan Dogan’s head (at the back), neck, back, and legs from a distance of less than 45cm.”

It didn’t mention how the nine dead were shot over 30 times in total and that 5 had been shot at close range in the head!! The Turkish autopsy results were never mentioned at all in fact.

The IDF had produced a statement long ago on it’s own website regarding the faked radio transmission that was played during the program, admitting that the transmission recording was doctored. The only purpose to playing this fake transmission was to mislead the viewer as to the intentions of the Flotilla.

Carole Swords from London said

“Many people across the country and in Ireland turned out a very short notice to protest against the BBC biased coverage on the Panorama programme about the Death on the Med where nine (now ten) peace activist were murdered and over 50 injures some still very serious in international waters trying to deliver aid to the… besieged people of Gaza which even our own government say are living in conditions that are compared to a concentration camp”

Michéle Garrett from Belfast

“A contingent of around 40-50 protesters gathered outside the offices/studio of BBC in Belfast on 20th August 2010. Flanked with flags, banners & placards with the intent to demonstrate their disgust & outrage at the blatant mis-leading documentary “Death in the med” aired by the BBC’s flagship Panorama!

Members of IAWM (Irish Anti-War Movement) travelled the 100 miles from Dublin to stand in solidarity with Friends of Palestine Béal Feirste & a petition with signatures numbering 100+ were handed into a BBC official at the end of the demo! Speakers on the day were Fra Hughes (Friends of Palestine Béal Feirste), John Hurson (Viva Palestina), Dr. Saeb Shaath (Irish Medical Aid for Palestinians). The demonstration passed off peacefully after 90 minutes after gathering much momentum from passers by & also media attention from local press”

From Stella at the Manchester protest:

“We held a demonstration outside BBC North and met one of the survivors from the Mavi Marama – Paveen Yaqub – who spoke of her experience on board and how she witnessed the soldiers being assisted and released – one for the return of the Captain’s wife and child. Everyone should write to the Broadcasting Standards Authority about the BBC attempt to pervert the course of justice because the testimonies of the British and Irish survivors on board were giving evidence before the UN enquiry on Tuesday.”

Foisal Uddin from Muslim Defense League said “Today was a great success for us all. I believe that we made sure if the BBC carry on with its pro-israeli and biased views, then this will always be met with demonstrations outside the BBC protesting for the truth. This does nothing for their image. We pay for our TV licences, and I am disgusted to have contributed in anyway in this documentary by paying my license fees”

Ken O’Keefe who was interviewed on the program has written an open letter to Jane Corbin which can be found at in it he says

“I recorded our conversation clandestinely, a conversation in which you confirmed the agreement that was made between the BBC and myself with yourself and Alys as BBC representatives. In that agreement it was clear that I would agree to the interview if only you included the fact that we let the commandos go. Knowing that was the agreement and anticipating that I was going to confirm it once more after the interview you said;

“Well its the point about we didn’t kill the commandos, we had them in… that will be in there don’t worry. (laughing) That’s, that is important for us because obviously they would say they felt their lives were in danger, to which the corollary is, well their lives could have been in danger but we let them go. I think that’s a very strong point.”BBC needs to know that it cannot continue airing lies, bias and propaganda, and that we do not want our licence fees being used to fund this sort of thing and would like a full and impartial investigation into why this was allowed to be aired without verifying facts fully and with impartiality.

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