The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

No to aggression against the Palestinian people

As the Zionist state has launched yet another murderous assault on Gaza – months into its deadly rampages into Jenin refugee camp – we print this statement from Palestinian and Arab organisations and stand with the resistance against Israel’s operations. Get in touch with FRFI to help organise against British imperialist support for the Zionist regime and to build a movement of solidarity with the Palestinian struggle.

Joint statement: No to aggression against the Palestinian people

Since Friday, renewed Zionist aggression against the Palestinian people in Gaza has continued. The aggression, as usual, affects the leaders of the resistance, children, unarmed civilians and infrastructure in light of official Arab and international silence, giving the green light to the enemy army to continue its plans against the Palestinian people and their just cause.

The parties and organisations below affirm their condemnation of the Zionist aggression supported internationally and regionally by imperialism, and condemn regimes collaborative with the Israeli occupation and normalisation in the region. This statement:

  • Renews solidarity towards the Palestinian cause, unconditional support for the Palestinian people and their valiant national resistance.
  • Renews pride in the unity of the Palestinian people in all places of existence and diaspora, and the unity of resistance in all its forms in the face of the occupation and its instruments and allies. This statement praises all factions of the Palestinian national movement in order to subvert the intentions of the occupation by penetrating it and striking its unity to single it out and liquidate it, while strengthening the movement’s unity and development as one of the most important conditions of victory.
  • Condemns the silence and official complicity of the states and institutions of the world and calls on all free people in the world to support the struggle of the Palestinian people by all possible means and forms. First and foremost by criminalising normalisation with the entity of the occupation and boycotting it and exposing its crimes.

Signing Parties and organisations:

Tunisian Labour Party

Lebanese Communist Party

Democratic Labour Party Morocco

Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine

Democratic People’s Party, Jordan

Democratic Front for Liberation of Palestine

Democratic Popular Unity Party, Jordan

We Can Movement, Mauritania

Palestinian People’s Party

Socialist Popular Alliance Party, Egypt

Qutb Party, Tunisia

Socialist Party, Tunisia

Mahmoud El Rashidi, Secretary General of the Algerian Socialist Workers’ Party

Bread and Freedom Party (under establishment), Egypt

United Democratic Patriots Party, Tunisia

Sahrawi Human Rights Defenders Caucus, Western Sahara

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