The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Spanish political prisoner writes…

We have received the last four issues of your newspaper, Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! with great pleasure, since it brings us important information concerning the deepening inter-imperialist rivalries and their consequences.
You will be interested to know we now have a date for the judicial farce/court case for the PCE(r) activists and GRAPO fighters who have been detained since November 2000: from 12 June to 4 July. We have sent you some leaflets we have put out to mobilise, through our limited means, all anti-fascists and democrats to join us in demonstrating outside this travesty of justice and turn the event into an international tribunal against imperialism, against capitalism and against fascism.

Centro Penitenciario, Sevilla II, Spain

Free the Paris 7!
Demonstrate against the farcical trial of the PCE(r)
12 June-4 July, outside the Palais de Justice de Paris, 4, Boulevard du Palais, 75001 Paris, France.
For further information contact [email protected] or [email protected]

FRFI 173 June / July 2003

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