The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

A message from Steve Kazcynski to FRFI

14 July 2015

I was recently sent no 245 of FRFI. I am currently in Maltepe No 3 L-type prison in Istanbul.  I was charged with membership of the DHKP-C (Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party Front) in early April and have been here since. I have been in isolation conditions so profound that for example I only learned the result of the UK General Election 10 days after it happened.  FRFI’s detailed analysis of the election was therefore particularly welcome.

I am currently on the 19th day of a hunger strike.  Friends have been sending me books and magazines but the prison administration’s ‘education commission’ has withheld some of them on the grounds they are considered harmful.  I have appealed against these rulings and on July 8 my appeal in relation to three of the magazines (‘Yuruyus’ or ‘March’ – a socialist weekly in Turkey) was accepted by a court. It is not clear at the moment of writing if these magazines will actually be given to me.

I have on occasion bought FRFI on demonstrations and I like its clear anti-imperialist stance. Its contempt for the Labour Party is also attractive to me. The LP’s near obliteration in Scotland was particularly well deserved.

Revolutionary Greetings


Maltepe 3 Hapishanesi

Yabancýlar bölümü Büyük Bakkal Köy Mah
Yakacýk Yolu Üzeri, No 13 Maltepe 

Istanbul, Turkey

Steve Kaczynski is a British citizen imprisoned in a Turkish prison. The Revolutionary Communist Group is supporting the campaign for his release. For more information about urgent action in support of  Steve email [email protected] or  Facebook Stephen Kaczynski at

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