
Building a movement against racism, environmental destruction, austerity and war has never been more urgent.

Intensifying rivalry between the world’s rich imperialist nations is driving the world into global conflicts and wars. Environmental destruction and climate change already devastate the lives of millions of people and threaten humanity’s extinction. We are in a race against time to prevent this outcome.

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Account name: Larkin Publications
Account number: 70116165
Sort code: 40-11-58
Payment reference: regular donation


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FRFI Fighting Fund, BCM Box 5909, London, WC1N 3XX

In Britain, soaring poverty and ever-more austerity cuts are biting deeper and racism is on the rise as migrants and refugees become the scapegoats of British capitalism in crisis.

The housing crisis is intensifying: as more luxury flats are built and left empty by investors, more and more people are being evicted and sleeping on the streets. Brexit has only worsened the economy.

This rotten capitalist system must be replaced. The only answer is to fight for socialism: a system in which resources are democratically controlled and rationally organised to meet humanity’s needs rather than those of a tiny minority.

Revolutionary resistance is urgent. The RCG and our newspaper Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! can play a key role in the politics of the movements to come – keeping the focus on the imperialist nature of British capitalism and fighting the opportunism that spawns from this.