Imperialism & Crisis
Unending global crisis reinforces divisions over Europe
British ruling class: the perpetuation of privilege
Fight Racism
Operation Skybreaker: Defending migrant rights
Public Sector Cuts
Focus E15 campaign declares ‘Open House’
General election – Westminster parties gear up for more of the same austerity and lies
Parents against cuts to Sure Start in Newcastle
Labour Party & Trade Unions
How to support Labour and hope to get away with it
Education Notes: Gove may have gone but the market marches on
Ukraine – Contradictions sharpen despite ceasefire
Spain – Solidarity is the future
Latin America
PSUV Congress agrees Bolivarian Revolution’s line of march
Argentina US venture capitalist attack dogs
World Bank finds Cuban education best in Latin America and the Caribbean
Middle East
A critical time for the Kurdish struggle
Palestine – Zionists renege on ceasefire agreement
Building solidarity with Palestine –despite Labour attacks
Ebola epidemic – Cuba sends doctors, imperialists send soldiers
Police & Prisons
Inside News – G4S pay out for unlawful handcuffing
Wormwood Scrubs – still ‘filthy and unsafe’