The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

FRFI 52 Sep 1985 – Apartheid trembles

frfi 52

Apartheid trembles

Brittan’s Broadcasting Corporation

Viraj Mendez must stay

Editorial: Thatcher’s Britain – divided nation

Ireland the Key to the British Revolution – Iris review and response

Communists and national liberation movements: Same goal, different paths

Miners strike: more shock waves

Racist attacks multiply

New Home Office attack on black community

Nalgo strike against racism

Isolate apartheid now!

Action against apartheid

Fighting to change the AAM

A dead hand on the movement – AAM’s Dominic Tweedie haranguing FRFI comrades

Police File

Notes and comments

Uganda: UNLF(AD), NRA, 27 July coup, British imperialism in Uganda

Sri Lankan Army Terror as talks collapse

Ethiopia: The Live Aid Concert, Greenpeace murder, US threats mount

Review: The Poetry of Commitment in South Africa

Review: The Other side of Paradise – Foreign Control in the Caribbean

Review: Anglo American and the rise of modern South Africa

Ireland in brief

Police terror

PTA prisoners strip searched

Scottish police harassment

Fighting Brittan’s prisons


Hands off Ireland

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