The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

FRFI 43 Oct 1984 – Miners strike

frfi 1

Miners strike

Botha’s ‘reforms’ bite the dust

Repression and torture: The British Labour Party and the liberation struggle in South Yemen

Labour conference

Discrimination against gypsies

DHSS back down over Viraj Mendis

Labour votes against Black sections

Notes and comments

US: Mondale’s bid for glory

El Salvador: Duarte’s democratic façade for terror

Chile: ‘Soon they’ll see… when the workers take power’

Nicaragua: Imperialist manoeuvres


Lebanon: Imperialist plan destined for the dustbin

France: From austerity to rigour

Hong Kong reunited with China

Prisoners Fightback

Free state in crisis

Labour say no to troops out

Hands Off Ireland: Goodbye Mr Prior

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