The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

FRFI 129 Feb/Mar 1996 – Fortress Britain slams the door on asylum seekers

frfi 1

Editorial: The Socialist Labour Party: taking us forward?

Public sector strikes shake France

The grim reality of Labour’s plans for working class education

Brixton fights back against deaths in custody

Fortress Britain slams the door on asylum seekers

Ireland: Major creates new obstacle to talks

Turkey: Elections and Customs Union solve nothing

Cuba Vive: Interview with UJC

Eyewitness reports from the Nuestro Tiempo Brigade

Rationalising the NHS: a two-tier system

Labour – a rotten racist history: foreign policy since 1945

Barbaric treatment of women prisoners

Laws for sale


Reactionaries attack Che Guevara


Direct action stations – third battle of Newbury

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