The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Support the Elbit 8! Solidarity with Palestine!

Elbit Eight activists

As all over Europe, pro-Zionist governments clamp down on support for the Palestinian struggle for liberation, FRFI is republishing a timely call for solidarity with the Elbit Eight – Palestine Action activists are due to go on trial in east London for their solidarity with Palestine who took on the Israeli arms company Elbit Systems.

For five weeks from 13 November, eight activists from Palestine Action (including co-founders Huda Ammori and Richard Barnard) are on trial at the Snaresbrook Court 75 Hollybush Hill, London E11 1QW (nearest tube: Snaresbrook). The charges they face include burglary, criminal damage, and blackmail. While there are no sentencing guidelines for blackmail, the co-founders are facing up to 14 years in prison. This is a landmark case that will not only set a precedent for Palestinian activism globally, but for many groups in the UK who have already been seeing a crackdown on the rights to protest.

As stated on Palestine Action’s website ‘Let it be known that we stand as the accusers, not the accused, and we fully intend to expose Elbit’s many war crimes, in particular, the Israeli arms company’s role in 74 years of occupation and dispossession lived by the Palestinian people. #ElbitIsGuilty, we are not.’

The charges relate to the first six months of Palestine Action’s launch, where the direct action network successfully shut down Elbit’s London headquarters, and factory in Oldham in April 2021. Elbit produces the Hermes 450/900 and the Watchkeeper UAV drones. These drones make up 80% of Israel’s drone fleet and have been ‘battle tested’ on civilians over thousands of hours of deployment in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Palestine Action requests that ‘everyone who is indignant to the march of warfare and disposession, who opposes the act of protest being met with lawfare, and most importantly, those who stand alongside the Palestinian struggle for life, we are requesting your support throughout the trial.’

Details on how to support can be found on the Palestine Action website, follow the #ElbitIsGuilty campaign, or if you’d like more information you can contact [email protected].


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