The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Black Lives Matter activists on trial in Newcastle – call for solidarity

On Monday 28 June, four Black Lives Matter activists appeared at Newcastle Quayside Magistrates court. They pleaded NOT GUILTY to charges of violent disorder from 13 June 2020 when a peaceful BLM protest was attacked by the far right. The Anti Racism Protest Defence Campaign was there to provide court support. 

Let us be clear- the activists are NOT GUILTY. Anyone who attended the Monument protests on 13 June 2020 knows that the far right ‘statue defenders’ came into town intent on getting drunk and committing violence. They were armed with bags of alcohol and smoke flares, they threw Nazi salutes and hurled racist abuse at BLM activists. Northumbria Police allowed these thugs to assemble at Monument, away from their advertised protest location at Old Eldon Square and in direct confrontation with the advertised BLM protest. Police allowed these thugs to drink alcohol and throw glass, cans and smoke flares at BLM activists. We were showered with glass bottles whilst ‘taking the knee’ for over 8 minutes. It is clear where the violent disorder came from. The previous week thousands of BLM protestors marched peacefully around the city centre without incident. 

These charges have only just been brought after a year of silence from Northumbria police. Young Black and Asian men have been singled out and face serious charges for the violence caused by organised racists. This is racist, political policing.

The attempt to charge BLM activists in Newcastle for violent disorder is an attempt to silence young Black and Asian people from speaking out against institutional racism. We reject any attempt to equate the fascist violence on show on 13 June 2020 with BLM protests.

Defend the right to stand against racism!

The cases will provisionally be heard on 26 July. We will be organising court support and other solidarity events.

Contact the Anti Racism Protest Defence Campaign if:

You have footage from 13 June 2020

You have been summoned to court or face legal action following attending BLM events

You want to get involved and support the campaign

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