Supporters from Fight Racism Fight Imperialism went up to Kirkcaldy on 8 August to join others collecting signatures and handing out hundreds of leaflets demanding justice for Sheku Bayoh, who died in police custody on 3 May earlier this year. Nine Police officers were involved in his restraint, using pepper spray, CS gas, batons, handcuffs, ankle and leg restraints. Sheku died from positional asphyxiation. This has been a cover-up from the start!The family was given 5 different stories on the same day by the police about how he died and in one version the police were not even present. It took 32 days for the officers to give a statement on his death and the 9 officers involved were able to meet immediately after the death to corroborate their stories and it has emerged that Stephen House, Police Scotland’s chief constable, has secretly met each of the police officers involved in Sheku’s death.
No Justice! No Peace!
Join the march for justice for Sheku Bayoh
6 September 2015, Kirkcaldy, 2pm at Kirkcaldy town house.
Support the campaign: Facebook Justice-For-Sheku-Ahmed-Tejan-Bayoh
Donate to the campaign through YouCaring www.youcaring.com/nonprofits/justice-for-sheku-ahmed-tejan-bayoh