The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Glasgow: Asylum seekers to be moved ‘within days’

asylum seekers to be moved within daysOver 1,000 Glasgow based asylum seekers have been informed that they could be removed from their homes and sent to unknown destinations with just a few days notice.

FRFI has been told that letters sent to asylum seekers by the UK Border Agency over the weekend of 6-7 November state: ‘We must inform you that as a result of the change of your accommodation provider you may be required to move to alternative accommodation in the Scotland region. Whenever possible, you will be given three to five days’ notice of the
move to give you time to get ready. At the moment we cannot give you an exact date for any potential move. However, it will be sometime within the coming weeks. You will be allowed to take two pieces of luggage per person to your new accommodation.’

This follows a breakdown in the agreement between Labour-controlled Glasgow City Council and the UK Border Agency to house those fleeing persecution and poverty. In April 2000 the Glasgow local authority struck a deal with the Home Office in London to house up to 2,000 asylum seekers in the city as part of the Labour government’s dispersal scheme.

It is expected that on Monday 15 November the first families set to be removed will be taken from their communities. In response an emergency demonstration has been called by Unity and is being supported by Glasgow Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!


Keep the Contract with Glasgow City Council!

Join the Protest:
Monday 15 November
Outside Glasgow City Chambers,
George Square, Glasgow.

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