The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Edinburgh Irish Solidarity Weekend

Tremendous success

The work of two and a half months publicity, planning and organising by EISC members and supporters came to fruition on Saturday and Sunday 18 and 19 June,


The beginning of our weekend of support for the Irish struggle against British imperialism was an open-air rally at the Mound on Edinburgh’s Princes Street. At 11am we formed up and the rally got off to a good start. The police allowed a crowd of 200 loyalists to surround and try to disrupt our rally which had grown to 70. After an hour of exciting speeches in support of ‘Victory to the Irish People!’ ‘Troops Out Now!’, the POWs in English jails, Nicky Kelly and the world-wide fight against imperialism, the rally was attacked by the drunken loyalist thugs. They charged through our banners; women and children were pushed and kicked. Two people were bitten by these animals. A seven year old was trampled on. Only then did the police put on a show for the tourists, for an hour before we withstood provocation, assaults and missiles.

The police arrested 4 loyalists and…an EISC member! Despite this our stewards stood firm, the rally regrouped and carried on successfully for another 2 hours in a magnificent show of strength and determination. Speakers from Glasgow, Fife, Dundee, London and Manchester all made speeches in support of the Irish people’s struggle. Banners were on display from the EISC, Glasgow Irish Freedom Action Com­mittee, Building an Irish Solidarity Movement and Fight Racism! Fight Im­perialism! An American tourist from Los Angeles joined the rally early on and after the attack gave a stirring message of support. Members of the public donated money and joined in our stand for democratic rights. As we left the Mound our coach was stoned, yet we left in a disciplined and orderly manner.


After the coach left the Mound a 40-strong picket was mounted of the police station to get our comrade released. Originally the police were determined to hold our comrade until Monday but after our continued pro­tests, he was released at 4.30 and charges against him were dropped the following Wednesday.


The Conference was attended by over 60 from Scotland and England. Solidarity greetings were given by: Revolutionary Communist Group, International Solidarity Front – Iran and on behalf of the Organisation of Iranian Peoples Fedayeen Guerillas, GIFAC, Manches­ter and Dundee ISCs, Fife and London BISM supporters and a member of the Young Communist League. Messages were read out from Sinn Fein member and trade unionist, Michael Holden, South London and West London ISCs, Colchester and Essex Troops Out Society, Stoke Newington and Hackney Defence Campaign, Peter Wardlaw, Scottish political prisoner, David Dinnsmore, imprisoned Scottish Republican Socialist Party member, Ricky Wreatham, Scottish prisoner and an 81 year old former miner. The youth of the EISC were well to the fore in making major speeches to the Confer­ence. The opening and closing speeches, were made by two 17 year olds. The first described the work of the EISC, its founding and political base, the second gave a revolutionary oration on the life of James Connolly. Both received euphoric receptions with clenched fists raised. Workshops on the Prevention of Terrorism Act and the POWs in English jails were held and decisions taken to step up the work on these issues-a petition calling for the repatriation on demand of the POWs in English jails and an instant response system to any arrests were just two of the proposals to come from the workshops. The Week­end Conference finished on the highest possible note with an alternative plaque to James Connolly being fixed to the wall, near his birthplace in Edinburgh’s Cowgate: ‘James Connolly. Born here 1868. Ignored by Edinburgh. Remem­bered by Edinburgh Irish Solidarity Committee. “We shall rise again”’. A poem on the execution of James Con­nolly was read, out by a young EISC member.

The Conference unanimously passed the following motions:

1. A message of Solidarity to all the Irish POWs English jails.

2. A message of congratulations to Gerry Adams MP for West Belfast on his election victory for the nationalist people + the EISC to enter into negotiations to have Gerry Adams over to speak in Edinburgh.

3. A message of support to Jimmy Anderson Wormwood Scrubs prison who had been badly beaten up three days before

4. A motion supporting the ‘Building An Irish Solidarity Movement’ and call for a united demonstration in London for 1 October 1983 and a national demonstration in Scotland in the near future to be held in Edinburgh.

Press and Publicity Group of Edinburgh Irish Solidarity Committee

FRFI 31 August 1983

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