The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Dundee Irish Solidarity

On Saturday 13 August a rally was held in the central shopping pre­cinct in Dundee to show solidarity with the struggle for self-determi­nation of the Irish people. A group of about 20 from Edinburgh ISC travelled up and gave consid­erable support. EISC and DISC and Anti-Apartheid banners were set up – also a bookstall and photo display of some of the vio­lence meted out by the ‘security’ forces against the nationalist community.

The speakers were able to address both levels of the split level shopping centre, where an encouraging number of people were showing more than a pass­ing interest. Pro-loyalist voices, after an early outburst of the usual profanities, faded out strutting and muttering something about kings and queens and no surren­der. A pity really, as in large num­bers they can be ugly enough not only to defeat their own purpose, but also unwittingly serve to em­phasise the rational case being put by the speakers on behalf of self-determination for Ireland. A fair measure of that rationale must be the ex-‘squaddie’ who started out by heckling and shouting murder, then towards the end of the speeches approached our group wanting to know more.

Over 100 copies of FRFI were sold. A petition calling for ‘Victory to the Irish People’ and asking for donations netted 300 signatures and £25 in donations.

GR, CR Dundee

FRFI 32 September 1983

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