The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Dundee Anti-Apartheid 12-hour picket

A large number of anti-apartheid activists braved the driving rain and bitter cold and successfully held a 12 hour picket in Dundee City Square on Saturday 3 Novem­ber. The picket was called by Dundee Anti-Apartheid group and attracted a large number of youth, six of whom travelled all the way through from Coatbridge. The picket was supported by Edin­burgh and Dundee FRFI, who were instrumental in the organisation of the day’s events. A rally was held at midday, with songs, chants and speeches from a local anti-apartheid speaker, one of the Coatbridge ‘skins’ and from Edin­burgh and Dundee FRFI. A picket university was held in the evening and leaf letting and petitioning and paper selling took place through­out the day. Despite the atrocious weather 67 FRFIs were sold and nearly £30 raised. Throughout the day a crèche was provided for children in a comrade’s house nearby.

Although Dundee City Square has traditionally been a free-speech area governed by specific by-laws, there seems to be a move afoot to restrict the activities of anti-apartheid campaigners there. Evidence for this is that a visit was made to the member who wrote to the District Council applying for use of the Square, by the police, and on confirming the arrange­ment the District Council made the condition that police require­ments be adhered to on the day. This is despite our knowledge that two other political organisations made similar applications and were not subject to police ques­tioning. Complaints have been sent to the Chief Constable and legal advice is being sought. As it happened, the police preferred to take shelter from the storm on the day of the picket and presumably hoped that the weather would prove to be a deterrent to sup­porters. They were wrong and we will continue to organise in the City Square and challenge their right to limit our activities.

FRFI 44 Nov-Dec 1984


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