The Revolutionary Communist Group – for an anti-imperialist movement in Britain

Poems from the inside

23/7 by Sean Cregan

Sean Cregan, who reviewed Carl Cattermole’s book, Prison – a survival guide, in the December 2019/January 2020 issue of FRFI, has published a book of the poems he wrote when he was last in prison himself in 2011 for ‘conspiracy to commit violent disorder’ against fascists attending a ‘Blood and Honour’ gig in south London.

The collection is called 23/7, with 23 being the number of hours a day spent locked up, and 7 the number convicted and imprisoned for the ‘conspiracy’.

Sean is selling copies of the book for £5 including postage. Proceeds will go to helping anti-fascists in England and Ireland who have fines to pay, so further donations are also welcome.

You can get your copy here:

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